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Yamaguchi has always loved to sing, I mean did he tell anyone, no. Of course not, it was a secret hobby that he didn't want anyone to know about. Not even his childhood best friend Tsukishima Kei. I mean singing and acting was the only thing he was confident at, so telling people would only lead to disaster. What do you expect him to think, he's been friends with Tsukishima all his life. Tsukki isn't the nicest person all the time so he's decided to keep his hobby a secret. Yamaguchi wonders if there is anyone like him who enjoys singing and acting I mean probably, there are musicals for a reason.

He was wandering around the hall when something catches his eye, "A sign-up sheet for the school musical? We have a drama club here?" Yamaguchi thinks out loud, "What are you mumbling about Yamaguchi?" Tsukishima asks. "Oh! hi tsukki, I didn't see you there! It's nothing for you to worry about I'll meet you in class." He says, but the look on Tsukishima faces tells him that he doesn't quite buy it, "Ok... I'll see you there." Tsukishima says unconvinced.
Yamaguchi lets a breath of relief, that was a close one, he thinks. "Hey you over there!!" someone shouts, Yamaguchi looks around to see no one else and he points at his self, "I see you looking at the drama club sign up sheet?"....

My name is Yamaguchi TadashiWhere stories live. Discover now