chapter 18

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double update since i ain't occupied today

The sun was about to set and the sky began to turn into a different shades of pink. Some of the people already went home and some of them was resting on the bench, drinking their water. I went for a little jog around the park after i burned my egg that actually failed.

I was having fun laughing and forgot about the egg i was cooking, and which caused it to burn. I tried on eating it since i was hungry and i don't have any other choice, but my tongue can't handle the bitterness of the burned egg i made.

I chuckled once i thought about that moment and made me stopped in my tracks, panting with both palms resting on my thighs, catching for air. Letting out a sigh, i smiled and was about to continue jogging but my eyes caught the attention by the figure standing across me.

And as if the world had stopped. I had been staring at him for God knows how long. I froze in place, mesmerized by his presence, that even how many times he pushed me away, destiny still reunite us. After what seemed like eternity, his eyes met mine.

And that moment was the moment of regret in my life.

I was not thinking clearly, i was not paying attention, i only followed what my guts was telling me to do. My legs that seemed like stuck, finally moved. My hand loosened the grip of my water bottle, reason for it to fell on the ground, making the dirt touch the surroundings of the cold packaging as it rolled down to God knows where.

I was slowly walking towards his direction, thinking what i was about to do. Taking small steps at a time. But i was scared that he might disappear in no time, that he might leave me once again if i'll waste my time walking in slo-mo.

And with that, i fastened my speed and ran until i reached his spot. But this time, he didn't tell me to leave him alone, he didn't tell me to go away, but instead he stared at me with different emotions. And without any hesitations, my cold fingertips traveled to his cheeks, pulling his face closer to mine.

Not even a single second, our lips met. I closed my eyes, not caring about what was happening and what will happen next. What made me shock was he didn't pushed me away, cursing at me from what i just did. But instead his hands crawled either side of my waist, causing me to jump a little.

His lips moved in sync with mine which was actually what i wasn't expecting. But the kiss didn't last long when he unexpectedly pushed me harshly away from him. I winced at his sudden action and slightly furrowed my brows. And that's the moment of my life when i truly regret what i did.

I'm ashamed and i feel disgust of my self. That as if i did something really dirty and awful. The guilt inside me is increasing, which made me took a few steps backwards.

I blinked my eyes multiple times with my mouth slightly hanging open, to know if i was just maybe dreaming. My heart started to beat abnormally, as if it was about to pop out of my chest.

And i, myself, was truly disappointed at my sudden action. Clearly, i wasn't acting my self and this isn't the Park Mina i knew months ago. I began to feel anxious, pressing my lips into a small thin line, overthinking that he might get angry and shout at me despite there were few people around us.

Across me, there stood the expressionless man, avoiding eye contact.

"i'm sorry!" i blurted out with my eyes shut close, avoiding his eyes to meet mine as well. But the moment i apologised, i still can't hear him uttering a single word. "please forgive me, i panicked and i don't know what i was doing. I promise i didn't mean-"

"i'm sorry too" he cut me off with an unexpected reply. His apology made me open my eyes in shock; somewhat relieved too.

"it was my fault. I'm sorry, i wasn't thinking straight" i lowered my head and fiddled with my cold fingers. I bit my bottom lip to prevent my tears from escaping my eyes.

"i kissed you back" he seriously said, almost inaudible. I was about to argue back until i remembered he really did. He really did kissed me back. But soon my expression changed and got puzzled by the fact that he responded to my kiss.


He's confusing me and i genuinely had enough. Nothing's in my head but him. Just because of him i can't concentrate in class. He's being weird ever since his sister showed up, and i don't understand him anymore. I wanted to shout at him, asking all the questions i've long wanted to ask, yet my lips kept shut.

He could only gaze at me, trying his best to hide his embarrassment. After what seemed like an hour, i finally spoke up,

"why, exactly?" he remained quite.

"can you tell me what's going on, please? You were never like this before" he still didn't respond. I waited for about a minute, expecting a reply from him yet nothing came out of his lips. I rolled my eyes as i sighed, thinking how i looked so stupid waiting for his damn reply which he never even did.

My sweats from my jog moments ago slowly began to dry on my skin and clothes. The cold wind blew harshly on my low ponytail and as well as the dead leaves on the ground.

The surrounding got darker as the sun was slowly fading away from the sky. The lights around the park was turned on by the few old grown men, which made our surroundings bright.

There was an awkward silence between the both of us, making him clear his throat. "you should go home now, you'll be late to class tomorrow"

He coldly stated with both hands in his pockets. I had enough already and i am am tired as well to even bother of arguing with him. I agreed without uttering a word, letting out a sigh before turning around and started my journey home. Not giving a damn about anyone, i sighed and grabbed the hood that was attached to my jacket, putting it over my head.

The park isn't that far away from my home, reason for me to only walk, and even though the park's far away, i would even still walk home since that is really what i always do. Walk. Few blocks more and i am almost there, but before i could take another step, warm fingers was felt on my hand.

"hey, babe! Were you waiting for me?" he threw me a huge grin as he intertwined his fingers with mine. My heart skipped a beat and my cheeks began to feel warm. I only froze and stared at him in shock; i was as well confused.

"what are you-"

"let's go home, shall we?" before i could speak, he lightly pushed me forward to continue walking, nonetheless, his hand still locked with mine.

"how did you know-"

he cut me off once again, "would you like some steak for dinner?" he raised his eyebrows, obviously waiting for my answer. I threw him a puzzled look, hoping to receive an answer as to why he was acting different. From what i remembered, he was a cold rascal few minutes ago, and the fact that he's so clingy to me right now creeps me out.

"do you mind explaining-"

He cut me off, again. But this time with a kiss. His soft lips met mine yet again. My eyes were wide open, freezing in place with a crazy beating heart. My cheeks began to feel warm, grabbing on to his hand tighter. Sooner or later, he pulled away, my stomach was filled with butterflies. I looked at him with different expressions and questions flooded in my head yet again.

I was too shy to even utter a word, my fingers traveled to my lips, caressing the part where he kissed me. The feeling i felt right now is crazy, that as if  i'm in love. I shook my head about the thought of me being in love.

Do i perhaps, like him?

My High School Teacher || Woo Do HwanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang