chapter 19

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Do Hwan's pov

She left without uttering a word. She left after she kissed me. This isn't right. I should keep my distance away from her before i'll regret everything. I admit it, i have feelings for her. I have actually developed feelings towards her, but it seemed wrong.

There she was, her back facing me as she walked lazily away from me. I froze in my spot, observing her from her every move, mesmerized at how she looked good even with her back turned. And without noticing, i was smiling widely. The fact that she kissed me made me so happy and suddenly blushed from that moment.

Jogging was the reason why i am here, but due to the fact that a sudden incident happened made me thought to instead change the schedule since it was already dark. A teacher shouldn't waste their night for a little jog, we should be at our office, getting the test papers done for the upcoming exam.

Letting out a sigh, my legs finally moved, taking big steps at a time. Once i was far enough from the park, i realised that i was near Mina's neighborhood. I stopped in my tracks and saw a small figure walking straight with a hood over its head. The hoodie was somewhat familiar, and that moment i realised it was Mina's.

But then my brows knitted together as i saw a grown man walking behind her, and as if he was following her. It made me curious and decided to follow them to have the ability to know what he was up for. His speed fastened to make himself more close to Mina, but before he could land a single finger on her, i approached her to shoo him away.

"hey babe! Were you waiting for me?" i threw her a wide smile as i intertwined my fingers with her's. I was embarrased of what i was doing, but this was the only way i could think of to get rid of the man whose following her. Nothing more else was in my mind but to pretend that i was her boyfriend or something.

But the man didn't move an inch which was weird and instead he was watching us. I didn't bother to take a short glance at him as it would be obvious that i was doing all of this just to shoo him away. Mina was surprised with my sudden change of behaviour, but i don't think explaining to her everything at this moment would be the best time.

"what are you-"

"let's go home, shall we?" cutting her off in the middle of her sentence to prevent that man behind from doubting us, pushing her lightly as a sign that we should continue walking. But it seemed useless. She only stood there with a puzzled look, waiting for an explanation.

"how did you know-"

"would you like some steak for dinner?" maybe cutting her off twice would made her realised what was going on but she never did which made want to sigh in frustration, but of course i did not since that man behind us was still watching. There was a long silence between us as she gave me a perplexed look. And after what seemed like forever, she spoke yet again.

"do you mind explainin-"

I did not have a choice but to shut this girl's mouth. She talks way too much and i'm afraid that the grown man might suspect us. Without any warning, i pressed my lips on to her's, hoping that everything is clear to her now.

Her grip on to my hand began to tightened which was obviously she was surprised. She didn't responded from the kiss yet she didn't pulled away either, it was like we were both statues.

My cheeks began to feel warm and my fingertips started to feel cold. My heart started to beat louder and faster as if it could be heard by everyone around the world. What i was asking for was very simple yet why can't i have it? Love and happiness was the only things i was asking for in my whole life.

I was surrounded with toxic people around the whole house ever since i was a small little kid. And having my sister by my side was the best thing that happened in my life until grandma came to raise us up instead. If only i knew that she was hurting inside from the start, maybe my present would be different.

My High School Teacher || Woo Do HwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora