Chapter 2

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After the incident with Carys, I couldn't help but wonder what ticked her off so much about being so perfect. I mean, there wasn't a single girl in the whole school who didn't want her life.

I decided I would go talk to Carys, since she seemed so sweet and naive for an 16 year old at the time. 

It was after 6th period, and we had one more period left. I figured I would meet her in the halls. I didn't plan it, but I assumed she would be there since it was on the way to her next class. I "bumped" into her.

Her papers fell, and so did her notebook. She picked that up first and did it very swiftly, making me curious as to why she didn't want anyone seeing it. It was very odd, but I brushed it aside. 

"Sorry Carys!" I said, helping her pick up her papers. "I didn't mean to, I hope you know that." I slightly laughed.

She laughed a little too, but seemed very concerned on her diary/notebook, making sure I didn't notice it in her backpack. "Weird, we keep meeting. Say, do you wanna maybe get ice cream or go on a girls trip with me? We could get our nails done, and I have an extra spot open! My other friend, Precious, wanted me to take her, but she just is boring, you know? So, what do you say?"

I barely even heard any of it. She's a very quick talker and never stutters with her words, something I normally have trouble doing.  I know she wanted to hang out, however, and I wanted to know what else was up with her. Sure, it was a little messed up, but I wanted to know what was happening. 

"Uh, sure. What time?" I asked, my voice cracking. I felt like dying.

"I'll text you. Just..." She leaned, as if she did not want anyone else to hear her. "Don't tell Precious, she'll get jealous."

"Oh yeah, I won't. We aren't even close." I laughed softly, then my eyes falling onto the diary again. I had to get a hold of it, I wanted to know the secrets. Sure, call me creepy or weird, but whenever I'm with Carys, there's a feeling I can't shake off. A feeling of uncertainty or trouble. I just wanted to get to the bottom of this.


Being Carys's closest friend, I always wanted the best for her. Her death was tragic, obviously. There is no denying that. However, this death, in my case, is seen as a miracle. I'll finally be on top and be able to win homecoming queen without her in the way. 

I'm not selfish or rude. I just love all the attention being on me. Nothing bad about that, right?

Walking to the police station with my dad, I knew things would go well. I had no motive to kill her, and my alibi checks out. 

My dad looked down at me. He was very tall and rather large, but no obese. He spoke, his voice raspy; "You're going be all right, sweetheart. Daddy's got this under control." I smiled. 

I walked in. It was cold, and the lights were dimmed. Daddy had to wait outside the room. A guy named David Harrison walked in. 

"Let's see here... Precious, right?" He said. 

I scoffed. "Yep. You really need to brighten things up in here. My dad is friends with a really famous-"

"I don't care about your daddy's business or connects. At least not yet." He pulled out a dull, black pen and a beaten up notepad. I could tell he was super poor. 

"Where were you-"

"The night of Cary's death? With my cheer squad."

He wrote something down. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad thing. I figured good, since there was no reason for me to suspicious. I hadn't done anything, so I just needed to be calm.

I decided to ask anyway, I wanted to know. "What are you writing down?" I asked in an almost conceded tone.

He shook his head. "Nothing. Where was your father?"

"How would I know where my dad is?" I said, puzzled. I sighed and picked my purse up, getting ready to walk out of the room.

"Hold on, we aren't done." The cop asked. I scoffed.

"You can't ask me any more questions without a lawyer present. It's the law." I winked, and walked out, slamming the door on my way out. 


Interviewing traumatized teenagers is definitely not my favorite. So far, I've interviewed all the girls on the cheer squad, and they all mentioned Precious Leonard and Baron Leonard, her father. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Baron, and I knew if I dare ask him anything he would lawyer up. So I decided I would interview Precious.

It did not go as planned, she lawyered up right away. Didn't know a sophomore could be that smart, but nevertheless, I learned she was nowhere near the death of Carys. 

The next day, I walked into the office. I had a black cup of coffee from the local donut shop. I walked in, and was immediately met with officer Chris Paul and officer Stephanie cake face, both of whom I hated.

"Harrison! We finally-"

"Got the lead on the knife! Fingerprints belonging to Carys. Weird, right? Because I don't think it was a suicide."

I sighed, wanting them out of my face. But this information did confuse things a little bit. I knew it couldn't of been a suicide, unless there was more to the story than meets to eye. 

"Uh, thank you," I said, taking the small paper. "You two can go now." 

Stephanie looked disappointed, but I didn't care. I just wanted them out of my face. This piece of evidence was crutial though, in finding out what really happened to Hanson. 


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