Chapter 3

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 Have you ever feel drained of everything in one moment? Like, just that, your whole world falls apart. That's how I felt the night of Carys's death.

It'll be a day I will never forget. I was in my room, alone. I heard a knock one the door. I got up, walked over. I hoped it was Carys, coming to cheer me up. Instead it was a cop.

"Everything alright sir?" I asked. 

The man sighed. "David Harrison, sir. I assume that you are Nathaniel Lopez?" The officer said.

"Uh, yeah. Why? Am I in trouble?" I asked. I don't think I had done anything illegal expect for drink a beer here and there. 

"I don't know how to say this... You're only 16." He said. I could tell what he was going to say wouldn't be good.

"Technically, I'm four. I was born on leap year." I said to lighten to mood, and I made a light chuckle. The cop stared, stone faced. "Alright, sorry. What happened?"

He let out a breath. "Carys Hanson, your girlfriend, was found dead near the Columbia River. I'm sorry for your loss, kid." He said. 

My heart sank. I titled my head. "Dead? How? What happened, officer?"

The cop shook his head. "Not sure. I came by to tell you the news. Again, I'm very sorry." He turned, then left.

I ran into my room. My mom wasn't home. I slammed my fist into my bed. I grabbed a picture of us, I had slept with it every night. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." I sobbed. I had never felt this pain, even when my dad left. 

"I should've been there. Why wasn't I there?" I screamed. I felt my world collapsing in me. 


It had been 1 month without her. 1 month of staring at the moon, wondering when I'll wake up from this nightmare. 

I sat on the football field after practice and talked to her. I've started to do it. I know she's out there. 

"Practice was good today, Carys. Though, you would've laughed when I tripped during our scrimmage." I let a laugh out. "You always liked the little things in life. You found... you found the joy in everything." I took a breath. "It's been hard without you. But I'm hanging in there. You would want me to, right?" 

I sat in silence, just staring. I didn't like sleeping, she was always in my dreams. I didn't like closing my eyes, either. She was everywhere. 

I heard footsteps behind me. Light footsteps, a woman, perhaps. I turned around and saw a Bailey Rivers.

I got up. "What are you doing here? Nik doesn't play football." I said.

She shrugged. "I dunno. Just wanted to check on you. How have you been?"

I let a laugh out. "Don't even try with that 'How have you been?' crap." I said. I walked away, but she ran after me and grabbed my arm. 

"What do you mean?" She asked. She was so small. "Also, Nik and I broke up." 

"I mean that you just want to figure out this dumb murder case. Did you actually care about her?" I said. 

"Of course I do! Nate, I just care about you. I always have- I mean, forget it. If you don't want me checking up on you-"

"No, no, it's, er, nice of you." I looked at her, smiling. Why did I ever fall for it? That short haired, banged, little goth girl. Something about her was enticing, though. I moved closer to her. 

"Nate, what are you-"


I grabbed her hand. It was cold, and sweaty. We looked at her hand, and we looked back at each other, our noses almost touching. I leaned in. 


My mind couldn't comprehend when I started developing feelings for Nathan Lopez. 

It all started when we were 8th graders. We were math partners. Learning about graphing wasn't much fun, but he made it better. 

"I wanna ditch," He would say, "the teacher's voice is so annoying."

"Tell me about it." I said, with a smirk. Young me was head over heals for some stuck up football jock. 

"Rivers, right? You friends with Carys?"

I stopped, because I knew what he was going to ask. I said, franticly, "Uh, n-no. I'm sorry. I heard some other girl is into you, though." That girl was me.

He looked at me, confused. "Who? Come on, you have to tell me now." 

I smiled and looked at the ground. "Good luck finding out." I said with a laugh.

Nate laughed. His laugh. I could listen to it for days. He was so perfect, always knew what to say. His eyes; a deep, rich brown. He was so beautiful. 

He caught me staring at him and asked, "What?" 

I laughed gently. "You're pretty cool, you know."

He smiled, wide. I could tell this small compliment lit him up. 

"Thanks, Rivers." He said, and I could tell he meant it. 

Back to the present.

Our kiss was horrible. I hated it. Not how it felt, but the moment. It felt so off. I had heard him talking about Carys. Gosh, he loved her so much. I felt terrible, kissing when our friend is dead. 

The conversation that followed wasn't ideal.

We had just finished our long, intense kiss. I could tell I wasn't the only one that had a little bit of a crush.

We stood there. I wasn't really smiling, neither was he.

"What have I done-" He said, realizing. 

"Nathan, it's going to be alright." I calmed him down. 

"She wouldn't want us together, you know. Carys." He said.

I paused. I looked up at him and sniffled, about ready to cry. "What... What if she didn't care? Would you be with me?"

He shook his head and became fidgety. "I don't know what she wanted."

"What do you want?" I asked. 

He became angry. "This isn't about what I want. It's never been about me, and it never will." He became silent.

"Nathan... don't say that."

"Why? It doesn't matter anymore, just get out of my way." He said, and he walked away, leaving me on the dark football field. 

The Tragic Death of Carys HansonWhere stories live. Discover now