Gally's tweezers

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Minho jumps in the box

Newt lands next to him

Minho starts looking for his hair gel and finds eyebrow tweezers

Newt: what the bloody hell?

Gally jumps in the box stealing the tweezers and runs off

Minho: well now we know what goes on in his room

Newt: *snorts*


Gally comes to dinner with neat eyebrows

Minho: hey Gally! Nice eyebrows!

Gally: *growls glaring at him* slim it you shank!!

Thomas: *laughs* so that's how his eyebrows always look good

Gally tackles him to the ground

*Later in the homestead*

Thomas holds an ice pack to his swollen eye

Newt: was it worth it?

Thomas: yes!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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