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Yeah, okay, I'm a good... two years too late with the hype train for this ship. But in all fairness, I didn't watch Yuri on Ice until this year thanks to my good friend saoritwilight begging me to watch it with her. It was after I watched it that I learned Michele and Emil, two of the show's side characters, are actually shipped by a fair amount of people in the fandom. The more I learned about the ship, the more I came to like it. And now... here we are!

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Now, I'm not typically the "shipping" type partly because I'd like to think that I'm not the person who just goes "oh look at these two males in a fifty food radius of each other! I'm gonna ship them!". Instead, I like to find justifications for supporting a ship: criteria that basically states "yeah, these two could possibly be together". It's because of this that I don't find many ships in anime that I watch. Fortunately, Michele x Emil (aka Emimike) exists.

Just to show you how much thought I put into this ship, here's my justifications for shipping these two:

*Michele's sexuality is never confirmed throughout the series. Given that the show's creators point out that he is a virgin, it's a clear indication that he's never been in a serious relationship. Because of this, it wouldn't exactly be impossible for him to be possibly a homosexual. My reasoning for this is further indicated by one scene where Michele's twin sister, Sara, tells him that he needs to start skating without her because "she's not the only woman in the world", to which Michele replies with "maybe not, but you're the only woman I care about". This is an indication that Michele has never held any feelings towards other women, romantic or otherwise.

*Emil, while expressing interest in Sara who is a female, doesn't seem like he'd be against dating a man as well. While I don't have much evidence for the possibility of Emil being bisexual, I'd like to think that he gives off the vibe of "I'll date anybody who catches my interest".

*Emil cares a LOT about Michele. Emil is the only character besides Sara to call him "Mickey" (notice how Michele never stops him from doing so?). You also see Emil interact with Michele in positive ways such as telling him "let's make it to Barcelona together". They're seen sitting next to each other in some of the scenes in the later episodes. But what really seals the whole thing is one scene in particular where Michele freaks out over being hugged by Yuri and Emil comes rushing to his aid, distinctively asking "was that Mickey screaming?". Emil cares about Michele enough to investigate when he's in distress. In the same scene, even if for a split second, you see Michele clinging onto Emil for comfort. Now, come on. Michele has a panic attack over Yuri hugging him, but then he goes to Emil for a hug? There's definitely a bond between the two of them.

*In the "Welcome to the Madness" spin-off manga, Michele confirms that the only skater's phone number that he has is Emil's. If that isn't shipping material right there, I don't know what is.

So yeah, I do think that these two have the potential to be in a relationship with each other. Whether or not the show will choose to make them canon in any future releases of the series, I don't know, but I would like to think that it is possible for them to be together.

Since I'm so in love with these two, I have decided to make a one-shot series involving them. This series can be read out of order as the stories don't have any connection towards each other. The only exception to this is "Origin Story", in which I write out how their relationship would start. Some of the stories in this series reference the origin story, so you'll definitely want to read that. 

Feel free to leave suggestions for this series! This is just a fun little project I'm doing, so I would definitely appreciate any ideas that you might have for these two.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy!

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