Origin Story: Part One

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Disclaimer: Direct quotes from the anime were taken from the English dubbed version of Yuri on Ice (yeah im lazy ik). Apologies for any confusion.

His heart shattered in a million pieces upon hearing those words. Michele Crispino, a young Italian ice skater, wasn't expecting to hear the harsh words from his twin sister, Sara. The moment where she finally broke free from their seemingly inseparable bond was one of the worst moments in their life together.

"It's time for you to learn how to skate without me there to support you. Take a look around, will you? I'm not the only woman in the world!"

Each word in those few sentences became tiny little daggers aimed at Michele's heart, attacking the organ from all sides. The ice skater tried to say something many times during his sister's speech, but he couldn't find the words. He could have easily dropped to his knees and started crying, but the only thing that stopped him was knowing he was about to go out on the ice. The man knew if he started crying, it would take him way too long to pull himself together.

"Maybe not, but you're the only woman I care about!" Michele wrapped his arms around his sister and leaned his head against her lower shoulder, his voice oozing in despair. He stood by his words. The skater always found solace in Sara and no other woman was ever able to supply him with the same comfort. Even feeling her warm jacket against his skin alleviated the pain he was feeling in that moment. Unfortunately, his love wasn't reciprocated. Sara stood there as still and as cold as the building they were in. "I've only come this far because of you. How can I keep skating if you go?"

Sara, for a moment, started to feel guilt. All of her life, she made sure that her brother stayed happy even if it meant compromising her own satisfaction. Even as she was trying to be firm, seeing Michele on the verge of tears was undoubtedly a hard sight to take in. Hearing him desperately plead for her not to leave him shortly after only increased the guilt. The younger twin started having regrets, and she contemplated fixing this. A small fraction of Sara desperately wanted to hug him back and say she didn't mean what she said.

No, she couldn't. She had to stay strong.

"Learn how to be strong!" Sara berated Michele as she forced him to look at her by grabbing his chin. "Because not only am I going to skate without you, I'm going to start dating." She didn't wait for him to let out another plea, and instead forced the man off of her. Sara walked away after that, looking towards the light of her new life as a free woman.

She accomplished what she originally thought was impossible. Sara broke free from the cage that she had felt trapped in all of her life, something that took her years of courage to build up to. However, she also succeeded in completely destroying her brother. Only time could tell the consequences of that.

It was time for Michele to walk out onto the ice. Every ounce of him hurt as he saw his twin walk away from him. Though he felt tears rising to his eyes, the skater tried his best to block them. Instead, he converted his feelings of sadness into feelings of anger. It was directed towards the men, the testosterone-addled creatures that always tried to lay their grubby hands on his sister. Had it not been for them, Sara would still be clinging to him like she had since they were born.

Do you like Czech men who smile and laugh all the time? Is that it? Michele internally questioned his sister as he walked out onto the ice. Emil Nekola. He not only competed against Michele for the championship in ice skating, but also for Sara. With his radiant positivity and kindness bursting at the seams, he easily wooed the girl. No matter how much her brother tried keeping her away from Emil, he could never stop her eyes from staring at his warm smile.

Or do you prefer moody Japanese men who look like closet pervs? The man continued to wonder within the depths of his mind. His sister took a liking to Yuri Katsuki, the rising ice skater of the season. The boy didn't flirt with Sara, but rather she was simply drawn to him. Michele failed to see the appeal.

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