Camp Foster

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Lena shuffled her teenage children into the already packed Honda. She was grateful that Frank had spent a great fortune on the car, however it was not a clear pick for the family by any means. Brandon slowly walked out of the door, stopping as he asked;" Maybe I should drive? I can take Jesus and Jude, and Mariana can probably fit, too." Brandon suggested as he grabbed his keys from the front table. 

Lena shook her head, " Thank you- but no. Family is all about making things work- even if that means that we may be a little squished." 

Stef sighed, " Mama wants to really stress the idea that we're the new Brady bunch." Lena shrugged her shoudlers, " What? Everyone knows that half of the fun in a trip is the car ride!"

Mariana hoped into the front seat, " I've never heard that before, and I know everything everyone says." 

Stef shook her head, " Really? So, you mean that you heard me when I told you- you have to sit in the back, correct?" Mariana smirked, " But Mom, think about it. If I sit in the front- you are showing everyone that fairness is the main idea in this family." 

Stef laughed, throwing her head back; " The main idea in this family is for you to sit in the back. Now!" 

Mariana groaned, as she shuffled to the back, becoming the wall between a resentful Brandon and uncomfortable Callie. Mariana turned towards Callie and then to Brandon as if she had known what had happened just days before. She then looked at Lena as she asked, " Where is everyone sleeping?" 

Stef sighed as she said, " Before you all groan- we could only find two tents."

" Meaning?" Jesus asked; as he had hoped for once he might not have to share a room- or tent with Jude.

" Meaning that you kids will have the bigger tent, and you're Mama and I will take the smaller tent." Stef said quickly as she added sarcasterically, " You're welcome." 

Brandon moaned, " I'll just sleep in the car for this one." 

Lena laughed, " Oh, no, you five are going to stay together in one tent- it'll make you all bond!"

Mariana laughed, " I think some of us have already bonded." Callie nudged her elbow into Mariana's side, as Mariana shouted, " Hey! What the hell was that for?" Brandon nudged Mariana's other side, as Mariana balled her hands into fists. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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