Family Picture

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(Years Later)

About 8 years later everything worked out pretty well. I and Henry opened another diner called Freddy Fazbears, this time in Hurricane. Fredbear's family diner was doing pretty well too. The kids played together, I and Clara didn't fight it was wonderful.

William's POV:


I was at Freddy's, I held a knife all in blood. Around me were children, they were all dead. Blood was everywhere. I couldn't move how I wanted to, it was like something controlled me, or at least someone. The thing controlling me lead me far away, I heard screaming. Loud screaming, of pain. Then the thing made me run into a suit, it wasn't any suit it was the Springbonnie suit me and Henry created. It leads me inside the suit. Then I felt something stab me. It was the suit. When I looked down I could see a pool of blood and heard laughing.

Until I woke up.

~Out Of Dream~ 

I heard the kids screaming and playing around, and Clara was frustrated and screaming at them to calm down. Then I remembered, that today was the day when we took a family picture. I slipped out of bed and wore the dark purple shirt that Clara had put on the bed next to me. I tied my shoes, and stepped out of the bedroom, to see Chris running away from Micheal. I grabbed him and held him in my arms. Then when Micheal caught up, he slowed down. "What did I tell you about scaring your little brother Micheal?" I asked with a serious tone. "To not scare him...sorry dad" he replied and looked at his feet. "Now, go and change into your clothes your mother prepared for you," I said pointing to his room. "Okay," he replied and ran over to his room. I placed Chris down and told him the same. I walked downstairs and ate my toast. "Will! Have you seen my earring??" Clara asked stressed. "Which?" I asked. "The white pearl!" she responded quickly. "On the bed in-," I started but got interrupted. "Thanks, Will!" she replied running upstairs. I went upstairs to Elizabeth's room, she was trying to tie her hair into two ponytails it looked like she tried multiple times but didn't work. "Do you need help pumpkin?" I asked with a laugh. "No," she said firmly and continued. "Are you sure?" I asked once more, knowing she'll say yes. She looked up and me and stayed silent for a second. "Yeah...I need help" she muttered handing me a hairbrush. I took it and started to brush her hair. After I brushed her hair into two pigtails as she wanted, we walked downstairs into the living room and sat down to wait for the others. "Will! Can you help me!" shouted Clara from our room. "Coming dear!" I responded heading to the room. "What do you need help with dear?" I asked when I stepped into the room. "Can you zip my dress?" she asked turning back towards me. "Sure" I responded and stepped up. I gently touched her waist and went up to her shoulders where the zipper was. I zipped it up and hugged Clara from the back, she hugged me back. "Mom! Dad! The camera person is here!!" shouted Micheal from the living room. We quickly rushed down. The photographer positioned us and prepared his camera. Soon enough, he finally had it done. "Smile!" he shouted. And so we smiled, and the picture was taken. Me and Clara we're standing together, and the kids in front of us. Elizabeth giggling, Micheal making Elizabeth laugh, and Chris holding Clara's hand with an unsure face. After we took the picture, we put it in a frame and hung it up on a wall. Then we went outside and had a picnic, the kids played tag, and Clara was resting, it was perfect.

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