Don't Forget to Water Your Hydrangeas

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Hey, Jen!

Yeah. What's up Mel?

I think I saw something kinda weird last night.

Really? What was that?

So,  I was watering my hydrangeas, you know, at midnight under the full moon, in my bathing suit, as you do. When I look up, across the street there is this guy in a full elephant costume, he even had a trunk and all. He was looking all around as if he was finding something. Quite suspicious, but...

Wait what was that you just said?

The elephant guy was acting suspicious.

No! The part about the flowers and a bathing suit.

Oh yeah! Watering the hydrangeas. Isn't that how you water yours? Everyone does.

No one does that. Really. Where did you even hear that from?

Never mind the hydrangeas. The thing is this elephant guy was really weird looking. He was a brown elephant with spots, when everyone knows there are only grey elephants. Right? Weird, isn't it?

If you say so. But the only weird thing I've heard you say is your hydrangea watering technique.

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