Mini Vacation to Dreamland

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"Hurry Up! We're gonna be late!"

Jack grabs my hand and starts pulling me away with him. But I just seem to be planted on the spot. As he keeps tugging, I close my eyes and let myself be pulled away.

I finally allow myself to open my eyes. I look around, at this strange world around me. Towards the lane of luscious grass on the middle of the makeshift pathway. Then to the purple skies around me. This beautiful shade of color, with twinkling lights sprinkled upon it, making it all come to life, placing everything under it in a trance.

My body begins to move on its own and I let myself be controlled by this sensation as I lay on the soft patch of grass and let myself become lost among clouds and the wildflowers surrounding me.

This is peace.

I keep concentrating on the shapes the clouds above me are making. But there is something else trying to pull my attention. A moment later I recognize it as a person's voice. A girl's voice.

I can't make out what she's saying, but I know I must find her. Every fiber in my body wants to. And I can't help but get to my feet and run along the pathway as fast as I can.

That's when I see her and I come to a sudden stop. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen, with her luscious brown curls framing her golden eyes and soft pink lips. Her white dress, a vibrant contrast to her browned skin, flows around her as if a breeze was passing by only for her.

I felt my body pulling in her direction. I could stand here for as long as time allowed me, just to simply take in her appearance. She lifted her hand expectantly, waiting for mine to come into contact with hers.

I knew she was saying something as I saw her lips moving, I just couldn't make out what it was. But I didn't need to hear it because I knew what I had to do.

I moved the final steps to get closer and placed my hand in hers. I was ready to let her lead me to wherever it was that she would take me, so I closed my eyes once more. I could feel the length of her dress furling around me, making me feel warm inside.

"Earth to Lizzie. Is anyone in there?"

I will myself to remain in this new land with the beautiful stranger but I know she has slipped away.

When I open my eyes I see the large building before me. Jack looks at me strangely, raising his eyebrows expectantly. I look down to our hands, laced in each other. I feel that last bits of the stranger leave my fingertips.

"We're here Lizzie. Are you ready."

I keep staring at our hands but nod in response. We're here. We've arrived at our destination.

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