Wakeing Up

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         I have been in a coma for 10 years. I don't know how or why I survived. I should have died when I went into the coma. The doctors thought I was brain dead, and at the time researchers in the hospital there were working on reversing brain damage, so my parents let them do research on me. I just woke up less than hour ago. I am in a white room, and am strapped to white chair. I am suddenly scared, maybe frantic, and I want to be let go!

          At least 4 hours after I woke, a doctor came into my room. I was in raged, I hated this man and wanted to be let go! He spoke in a clam voice, this mad it harder to hide my anger.

        He said " Glad to see you woke up, your the only one." Then he paused as if waiting for me to say something, but I can't or I will exploded on this man, who might be the only one with answers. " I know this must be hard, I apologize for not being here sooner, but it was to give you time to clam down. Did you see the note?" I nod my hand very lightly. " Good, well there where 3 other people, but none of them recovered. To which we are very sad. But you are our new question, we want to know why you woke up." The eagerness in his voice made me want to vomit. That idea as far as I was concerned was out of the question, and I just can hold my anger in anymore. I yell at the man " I should have died 10 years ago, not have become one of your stupid lab rats to experiment on!" I draw in a big glop of  air then continue " I want out! I want to leave, and not be tested on, or strapped to the stupid chair! Let me go or kill me!"

  He interrupts me saying calmly as before " I don't want you to die, but you can't leave, I am truly sorry. You parents gave you to research. They gave you to help us."

  I say in frustration " That's because they thought I was going to die! I should be free!"

  He finally starts to show some anger " you wont though." Then he leaves.

 A few hours later he comes back. " I hope you've calmed down. We are going to get you some food, and show you how the world is now a days" I finally given up fighting, so I mumble " fine."

  I follow him down narrow staircase and I almost fall, but reign my balance quickly. I hate this so much, but I don't began to know what to do to escape. Finally after walking down 3 flights of stairs and down so many long white hallways. I ate in a hurry, because I was curious what The Man is going to show me. As we walk I slowly become more and more scared, but I am also bubbling with curiously, that keeps me walking?

 The Man finally leads me to a room, and sits me a desk across from himself.

" I assume, you are curious about your parents, the world now, our organization here, and maybe even your old self?" he looks at me questionably.

" I am, I also am to curious why I cant leave" I say in as clam a tone as possible. 

" We will start with your parents, your mother was Florence Gat and your father was Nick Gat. They both worked for the French Navy in a weapons lab, your in a French hospital now."

" Prison" I mumble in correction.

 " Its  a hospital with a research area. As I was saying they were coming up with weapon gases. Then on you 12 birthday you went into a coma, and after 2 weeks to of your coma they gave you to us. About 2 years after they gave you to us, Russians killed them because they withheld information.

 " That is that, any questions? "

 I look at The Man and shack my head.

 " You are now 22 years of age, Mia Rose. You played a lot of sports as a child and did grand in school."

  I look at him and say " Why would I need to know about the world now? It cant have changed that much."

He says in a matter of fact voice " Oh, but it can, and it did. The world is now one country, and its controlled by one person. He has helpers who do his work for him though. He only handles the largest of large problems. Anyways, France is dedicated to medical research, 90% of the people here work in research."

 "I understand" I say, I am slowly calming down.

 " Good, Our labs are the best in the region and we'd like to say that way, because if it doesn't we will start having issues with the government like the labs under us."

" and the reason I cant leave this white prison?"

"Ah yes that, legally we could all be killed if we let you go. I don't want to keep you here against your will, but I wont die over that."

 " I understand I wouldn't want that either."

" You fine with this and you wont fight?" 

"Yes, but I 'd like to know exactly what you are doing to me"

" That will be fine" he says this and has me follow him.

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