Chapter 2: The Labs

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     The Man takes me back to my white prison cell, and before he departs he says “We will go to the labs shortly, but first change your clothes, and if you would like do something with your hair. The supplies are in the room already.” Before he is gone I yell down the hall “Wait, what is my name?” He responds with a smile, “Mar Beth” then he leaves. 

    She sits on the floor for a while thinking about her name, and wondering if she had pet names, or if she just went by Mar Beth. She wonders why The Man smiled when she asked.  She slowly got up and decided she’d better get ready before he came back. Mar Beth changes quickly, and then tries to remember something to do with her hair. The image of a ponytail enters her mind and that is what she does. She blushes out her long blond hair and pulls it back in a sloppy ponytail.

  Right as she finishes there is a knock at her cell. She goes to the door, but it’s not The Man, it’s a woman in scrubs. Mar Beth doesn’t open the door, she is scared again, and wants them all to leave, or let her go.  She begins to sob. She hugs herself and cries for what seems like an hour, and then there is another knock. It was The Man. I hesitate as I open it.

  “Why didn’t you let the nurse in?” The Man says.

“I don’t know, I got scared.” She says shyly.

“There’s no reason for that, they are all kind people.”


“Follow me”, The Man says beckoning me toward the door.

  We walk to the nearest elevator, and go to the basement floor. We step out of that elevator into a narrow white hallway, with a ton of locked doors. The Man types in a key code to a door and we go into another room. This room looks as if it’s a testing room. There are about 6 people inside and when the door clicks they all stare at me. Then a younger woman, with long blond hair, comes to me and says “Hi, Mar Beth, we are going to run a few simple test today. They are like normal standard doctors test. You will have an MRI, a blood test, and a heart exam.” The woman say this calmly and quietly. The Man leads me to a chair in the middle of the room. Here they draw my blood. I am then taken to a MRI machine, and I lay there very still. It seems to take forever to be done with it. I then go to a different chair in the room and the blond lady listens to my heart, and does a few other things. After this I am taken back to my room by The Man. Before he leaves me, he says “ Someone will come by and explain your results later on, and you should get your dinner anytime now.”

White PrisonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora