no more waiting

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You pace in the kitchen, waiting for Sangwoo. He took you home, telling you in the car that he's going to go get her and make her think he's taking her home so he can bed her. You wanted to scream when he said he had to kiss her. All you saw was red as you clenched your hands so hard, your nails made your palms bleed. You were pissed. Furious. But you kept holding onto the fact that you don't have to wait much longer. Sangwoo reassured you that he loves you and not her but you couldn't help but feel self-conscious of her. What if he was lying? He could be lying. He is a serial killer for god's sake. 

You shake your head, and sit down, trying to calm yourself. You love Sangwoo. You do. You love him so much. You don't know how to describe it but you know it's love. He makes you happy. He makes you smile. You won't let anyone take him from you. He's yours. Yours. Yours. Yours. Yours. And you're his. His. His. His. His. 

The door makes a noise and you freeze, listening to the sound of the lock. Quickly, you run into the spare bedroom and hide in the closet near the basement. The door opens and you hear the sound of giggling followed by a soft moan. You nearly scream with hatred. You know it's that girl. And you know Sangwoo caused that moan. He's very good at doing that. 

You roll your eyes, waiting patiently for them to come. Sangwoo told you to wait in the closet for him. He had a plan and if you messed up, it would ruin everything. So you pulled your legs up to your chest and waited. A few minutes later, you peek out the crack to see Sangwoo lay Jieun down. She's naked and he's in his boxers. God, you want to scream. You want her dead. Right now. You slap a hand over your mouth to keep quiet while he pleases her. You hate it. You hate it so much. This isn't just a kiss! This is more! This isn't right. It's too much like Lee. Too much like him. Sangwoo is supposed to be different from him. Sangwoo is supposed to be better than Lee. This doesn't feel better. 

Sangwoo tilts his head up, looking at you through the crack. And there you see it. The guilt. The absolute guilt of what he's about to do. His smirk falls into a look of fear. No. No. It hurts him because he sees that look on your face. He sees the tears that you hadn't felt falling down you cheeks. He sees the betrayal. He never wanted to hurt you. No. He just wanted to kill Jieun. So why isn't he doing that now? He jerks away from her before he could get inside her. She pauses, looking around. 

He grabs her wrist and yanks her toward the closet. She's too confused to fight back. And when he opens the door, she freezes as she sees you. And then she screams. 

"That's not nice," Sangwoo grunts as she breaks free from his grasp. "Oh, come on. Where are you going? We were having a moment."

He grabs her by the hair and pulls her forward, motioning for you to open up the basement door. You do, still pissed at him for touching her the way he touches you. You go down first where you sit in a chair and cross your arms and pout. He pulls her down with him, yanking her harshly. She screams, begging him to stop. It almost makes you smile. At least Sangwoo never dragged you down the stairs. 

"Stop! That's so fucking annoying," he yells, throwing her on the ground. He bends down to look at her, to examine her as she crawls away. Before he can do anything, she punches him. Right in the eye. He groans, falling on his ass as she books it for the stairs. You snarl, grabbing a wrench on the floor next to you as you throw it with everything you've got. It hits her in the head and she tumbles down the stairs. Just like you did. But Sangwoo doesn't go to help her. No. He laughs. Laughs. Then he smiles at you, softly, sadly. 

You march up to her and start dragging her by the hair over to the chains. "Keep your fucking hands off of him," you seethe, chaining her up. 

She screams. Screams and screams. Begging to be released. You just sit in a chair across from her, watching her with a snarl on your face as Sangwoo stands behind you. Both of your arms are crossed. She thrashes, sobbing as she begs and begs and begs. It's so annoying. 

"Stop," you command, standing up and walking away. "You're so annoying."

"Let me go!" she cries. "I won't tell anyone. I won't call the police! I promise! Just let me go! I'll do anything! Anything!"

Sangwoo smirks. "Anything?"

"ANYTHING! Please!"

"Fine." He turns to you. You roll your eyes but shift nervously. "I want you to have sex with her."

"What?" both of you say at the same time. 

He smiles. "Go on then. Seduce her. Make her want you. If you can do that, if you can get her to want to kiss you, then you're free."

Jieun pauses, looking from you to Sangwoo. Suddenly she smiles as sweetly as she can as she looks you up and down and bites her lip. Sangwoo bursts into laughter as he nearly falls to his knees. You stare disgusted at her as she sobs. 

"You really are willing to do anything? Aren't you?" he smiles, shakes his head, and steps over to put on his blue apron. "Well, I hate to disappoint you," he pauses. "Actually, no, I don't. Even if you had seduced her, which I don't believe you did. Right, baby?" You nod, still revolted by her. "Right. Even if you had, I wouldn't have let you go. You know too much." 

"You said I could be free! You said I could go!" she screams. 

"Mmm, no I didn't." 

She thrashes, screaming and screaming. You rub your temples, trying to hide your migraine. Sangwoo steps in front of you, resting his hand on your shoulder. You jerk back, staring up at him. 

"Baby," he says. "You know it didn't mean anything right. I didn't even take her clothes off! She did!" He leans his forehead against yours. "I don't want you to hate me? Do you hate me?" 

You frown, looking him in the eyes. You sigh. "No. But you just said kiss, Sangwoo. Not this," you say, motioning to her naked body. "I didn't like that," you whisper, your bottom lip trembling. 

"It didn't mean anything! I love you. Not her. I never loved her. It's always been you." 

You shake your head. "Never again, Sangwoo. Never. Again. You only take me to bed. Unless we break up, you don't get to please other girls. Only me. Understand?"

He nods, smirking devilishly as he pulls you closer. "I understand. Only you." 

You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck. But before he kisses you, you say, "But I want to be the one to kill her. Please?" 

He groans, kissing you hard for a moment before pulling away. "Of course. Kill her for me. Show her that I'm taken by you and I don't plan on leaving." 

You turn back to her, to the girl shaking and shivering on the cold ground. You smile, walking over and picking the knife up as Sangwoo watches proudly. You run a finger along the knife, carefully so you don't cut yourself. She screams. But you shush her. 

"Sangwoo is mine," you seethe, crouching down to her level. "Not yours. Mine." 

She growls at you. She fucking growls at you. Who does she think she is? You're the one with the knife! Not her. That pisses you off. That and everything she's done. She touched your boyfriend. She fell in love with him. She still looks at him like he belongs to her. You hate it. It's too much like Lee. You need her out of the picture. Gone. She can't be here anymore. 

She screams as the knife penetrates her skin. Not once. Not twice. Not even three times. But twelve. Twelve times you pull the knife out and stab her again. When you're done, you're covered in blood as you shakily hold the knife. Almost like Lee's death. She's dead. You know she is. It almost makes you smile. But you can't. Not this time. This time, you killed her because she touched the love of your life. Last time, you killed someone because they hurt you but touching other women. It's different. You're angrier this time. There's more hatred in your heart than before. And you took it all out on her. 

And, god, did it feel amazing.

word count: 1.5K

𝑨𝑫𝑫𝑰𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑫 𝑻𝑶 𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳 ➣ Oh SangwooWhere stories live. Discover now