Chunin Exams part 2

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Hotaru, Hinata and Shikamaru were at the seal to get into the Death Forest which has sensing seals every five feet inside with cameras also every five feet really making it to be pointed down to the forest ground making this to be fun.

Once they got their Heaven Scroll and heads in, Hotaru plans to use her illusions with Shikamaru's timing while Hinata steals from them really. The first team is all girls making this to be exciting for Hotaru as she waits really until Shikamaru gave the signal.












"Now!" Hotaru was quick and all three can't hear nor see each other making it to be fun as Hinata took their weapons, clothing and scroll which is the Earth Scroll.

First girl...

She can sense an illusion, but it's more powerful as she sees nothing until she saw two large leeches with one that has strips like a tiger really. All of the sudden, all of her clothing vanishes and both of her legs were grabbed from below them.

She bends down to try to free her legs when she was grabbed on her arms and it let her go once she stood up, but grabbed her again once it has her hands in grabbing distance making it to pull her down backwards as the bottom  spread her legs open.

Her arms were spread wide to the side as the three leeches moved over to her and she saw they had no teeth whatsoever in their damn mouths. The two large ones fastly latched onto her breast over her nipples were she saw a tiger sized pink thing.

It moved straight into her mouth and she couldn't breath until it went down and she can finally breath. She felt the two leeches sucking onto her nipples as that thing was going down her throat making her to feel wetness inside their mouths.

The third leeches thrusted into her womanhood and latched onto her opening making her to feel the hard sucking making her to loudly scream as it's pulling on it making her to shake as it was getting to harsh for her to handle until the third let go.

She cummed inside it's mouth making her to pant before it began again making her to scream as the large pink thing enters her mouth again making more wetness in the leeches' mouth to get bigger like a puddle making her to realize it's milk really.

After being drained of milk and her female eggs, she died as her breast were deflated and her womb was dry and rough making it to be a bit ugly. The illusion on her vanished and her teammates won't know what happened to her.

Second girl...

'Like heck this illusion could work on me.' She 'kai's, but nothing making her to use up a lot of her chakra which made her to be fully grabbed and she saw a flower below her, but it wasn't a normal one really as her clothes were gone.

Her arms were tied behind her back and she was lowered down to the flower making her to see it close before the outside becomes smooth leather and enters her womanhood all the way into her womb making her to feel full from that.

The flower steam was removed from the flower and she felt it open up making her to fully felt something wiggling inside from the flower making her to wiggle herself until she saw her breast become a flower fully opened and the smell of nectar hits her.

She saw a large hummingbird go near her and it's mouth/nose went into the flower and she felt the nectar leaving making her to fully worry as a nectar golden color thing shows up and it enters her mouth making her to chock on it until it went down her throat.

The hummingbird was attacked and she saw twenty-four bees attack her nectar with twelve on each one making her to be bent over making them to be more able to get to her nectar as she felt the very flower rotate somehow fully inside of her womb.

Then the end grew a new stem and attached itself to her ovaries making her to feel her energy leaving her as the flower closes up again and leaves her before it has reopened outside of her larger and her legs are more open to allow it to grow outside her.

She saw twelve more bees show up and attack that flower for it's nectar making her to panic as that same nectar golden color thing keeps showing up making her to have the bees on her drinking from her and once done, more keep show up to continue.

It took her 'four hundred years' to be fully drained from her three flowers making her to be withered as her arm and legs became roots to make the flowers to have new nutrients from the ground as her body becomes a mount for three flowers.

People can still tell it's not natural cause the mount is still in human form making them to know it was once a human female making the illusion to vanish as the third and final girl was left and she doesn't know what happened to her two teammates.

Third and final girl...

She was looking around when she saw a plant that spit out a tentacle and pulls her as her cloth vanishes making her to be scared. She was backed up against a large stem that holds her arms to the side as the stem grows over them and her legs were the same.

She saw the flower having two suction cups and a third one was right below her as she can't escape the stem. The two suction cups went over her nipples and the last one went up her womanhood to the entrance of her womb making her to panic.

A large pink thing enters her mouth making her to gag on it until it went down her throat as a second one shows up, then a third and a fourth making her breast to hurt before the suction cups start to suck the milk out of her breast.

She clearly sees the milk leaving making her to feel it fully pulling and pushing against her as it sucks the milk out of her. The second the suction on her breast has started, the third one started to do the very same thing to her womb.

The pulling and the pushing was too much until she saw a very small suction cup go near her folds and entered that small space and started to suck there making it to be worse as she can't take it really making her to wonder what is going on.

She saw her bottom being pushed out a bit as she was being bent forward a bit making the suction down before to be harder to fully handle as the suction on her two breast was now going faster were it's like the speed of light and the suction on her womb was the very same.

More of those large pink things keep showing up making her to be stuck there as the stem connects to her body and keeps it alive really making her to be forced to be sucked on for eternity as she doesn't need to eat human food anymore.

She doesn't need to use the human washroom anymore and she fully doesn't need to use her chakra as it's being sucked out of her by the large stem making her to be stuck as more and more of those large pink things keeps entering her mouth.

She was broken as her mind was broken from this making her hair to be green with flowers growing on it and her mouth was wide open with no gag reflex or tongue in her mouth as it's a hole now for those large pink things to enter her through.

The flower kept sucking the milk out of her as it's container inside it's own stem has the seal to hold lots of gallons of milk and it won't fill up anytime soon making her to be long dead mentally as the large stem keeps her alive for eternity.

Hotaru left a Blood Clone in her place as the illusion fall and the girl was brought to her house to remain hidden before they moved onto other targets as the rules said they can't take out other teams after getting their other scroll really.

"Time to leave the area."


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