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Main Characters~

Veronika Kim, Kim Veronika

Age : 18

Studies at Cornn Field High Academy

Matthais Park, Park Matthais

Age : 19

Studies at Cornn Field High Academy

Other Characters ~

Nina Wong, Wong Nina - 19

Kaycee Jung, Jung Kaycee - 18

Princess Park, Park Princess - 17

Paul Pan, Pan Paul - 19

Lee Gwan, Gwan Lee - 18

Donn Yang, Yang Donn - 20

*they all study at cornn field high academy*

more characters will be shown as the story goes, and also ; there will be more characters in the story, they just dont create a big impact in the story like the ones on the top (no offense to them if theyre reading)

PoV's (if you see the following symbols it represents that its their pov)

Author - ☁︎︎

Veronicas  - ☯︎︎

Lucas'  - ☂︎︎

Princess' - ♫

the rest - 𖠌

Note : Veronica will also be known as "You" (Her nickname is Icy)

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