"that friend"

90 5 14

you know what i hate...

being "that friend" the one who isn't included like they make plans right in front of me and i don't even get invited like

one, they never wish me a happy birthday when every year i do

two, they rant to me but i can't with them

three, it's like every time i try to say something it just goes over their heads like i never said anything

like for one of my friends birthdays she was having a birthday party and i can't go because that was my cousins birthday and all of a sudden they don't invite me anymore i've never been invited to any of my friends party's even tho i go to stuff while other one of my friends never go to any or even text back and he still gets invited to everything

my mom isn't that strict so like they can't blame my mom like "oh i didn't invite you because your mom wouldn't let you go" i'm just done i guess

i literally love that people on my he internet get me more than my friends

n e ways, have you seen the new music video thing for anyone else with some fans?

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