my mother

22 1 10

warning: cussing ✌🏽

so my mom just told me this long ass reason i need to get my shit together and she said that the only way is for her to do stuff that will make me "unhappy" because i'm making her unhappy but like bitch i'm already not happy so it's already done and she wants to take my phone bring me to work with her and all this shit and like for wot it's not going to help me . sorry i'm not as smart as you, can do i fucking essay in like 1 and a half days and clean your room and have a good time she got mad because i had a break and took a shower and never got my essay done. telling me that she doesn't really want anything from me but it's like yes you do you want to to be as smart and you as successful as my sister as pretty as my friends as good as their attitudes. that's a lot of pressure on one 13 year old girl who is just trying to pass 4 classes that i have 2 D's and c's in ans this isn't making it any better. for the longest time i've never have anyone to talk to about this so i had all of it in my head, it made me feel like i'm going to explode. and i feel like my mom has a mask and i should have one to because i'm not "allowed" to tell anyone my moms are fighting or basically when i'm sad and don't want to talk.  i feel like she's trying to make me something im not and it sucks and she always tells me " u KnOw YoU cAn TaLk To Me" but it's like no i can't cuz then you are going to tell me i shouldn't feel that feel but i do so sorry i'm not the perfect daughter but that's who i am.

n e ways, go vote fine line by harry styles for grammys 2021, it's between BTS and hazza

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