Chapter 16 part 3 - new life, old habits

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"Rick!" I yelled, seeing the horde wash in we make eye contact. But he looks at Daryl, Daryl nods slightly to him as he grips my wrist. "Daryl What are you doing!" I yelled.

"What I do." He growled lowly, pulling me into the forest as we started to bolt down a path.

I hear gun shots just a few feet behind us, turning around for only a moment I catch Rick getting grabbed. I halt both of us, he jerks my arm, "Rick got himself out of the small horde back at the church with Abraham's help! He can do it lets go!" Daryl yelled as Rick kicked the walker off him in ease.

"Why aren't you wanting to help him but help me!" I continued to run with Daryl, his hand gripped around my wrist tightly. "Because, I said it's what I do."

"But it's not always what you do, Dixon." I growled, shooting a few walkers ahead of us.
"What's Rick keeping from me?" I say, stabbing a walker as I kicked it's legs under itself, sending it to its back. "Nothing." Daryl continues to run.

I hear Rick, Michonne and Aaron behind us. But that didn't stop the growing frustration in the pit of my stomach, "Daryl is it because I care too much?" I asked.

He didn't respond, he continued to run faster as I shot a walker in front of Rick, struggling to aim. "Dixon is it because he doesn't want me killed?—"

He presses me up against a tree, his crossbow firmly in hand I could feel the rage brewing. "What do you want me to say, that Rick cares about you? Huh?"

I hear Aaron's pants and heaves come closer, I shook my head. "No, I want to know why Rick thinks I can't protect myself." I finished.

Rick catches up, shoving Aaron forward, "just a little bit up here." He pants, "Then to the right we will be there." Aaron says.


Daryl let go of my wrist, we came to a couple houses and cars and a large road. I saw the big van parked up front of this... huge gate. They weren't lying.

We could live here.

I stopped walking, I didn't want to smile because I didn't trust this place yet. Rick stopped behind me, Aaron in one hand he looked down at me, "We could live here." I whisper. A small nod was all that was needed from him.

I see everyone bellow out of the white trailer, they were okay.

We meet at the gates, our hands on our weapons we pated each other's shoulders.

It became day, and I could finally see Ricks face. It was covered in dirt, his tan was crazy and I don't want to guess what I looked like.

The gates slid open, "It's me! I got them!" Aaron nods, "I'm fine!"

I could hear running from behind the gate as it revealed...

Civilians, and life. You would never had known of a apocalypse when coming in here, this was a haven. Houses like suburbs and rich people would have lived here, it looks clean and fresh, like someone randomly built a wall around a new complex.

Rick let go of Aaron as Aaron ran into a man, embracing they kiss. I felt Rick slide his hand into mine for a moment before a short older lady suddenly appears.

"Well hello there." She smiled to us, we let go of our hands causally. "My people take care of people, so don't worry about them." She started this conversation with that? Really? Ricks eyes darkened as he scoffed, placing his hands on his belt he shifts his weight. "Well, I want to know where they will be."

She nods, "Understandable. They will be in that house right there." Her bony finger pointed to a two story condo. This place was like a rich families dream, no blood, no grim, no dirt, spotless. This was too good to be true.

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