
594 18 9

CW: depictions of violence that result in injury, ANGST THAT REALLY HURTS, face slapping.

also- if you like music to set the mood. when you get to /that/ part, play See Me Fall - Y2K Remix. Thank me later.


You weren't sure how long you had slept, but you awoke in your bedroom. Well, the bedroom that had been given to you by Kylo for when you stayed overnight. It was hard to think of it as yours.

You sat up, taking inventory of how you felt. Aside the warmth spreading from your behind, you didn't notice any other discomfort - you were hungry, and could use a drink of water - but otherwise unscathed, physically.

Mentally however, you were tortured. Questions raced across your conscious mind while shame assaulted your subconscious mind. You slid out of the sheets you had once soiled in your panting lust, and padded your way over to the en-suite bathroom.

A quick glance in the mirror was all you needed. You looked about as horrible as you felt. Dark tracks of now dried mascara marred your cheeks, and your hair was sticking out in almost direction.

You were also, weirdly, dressed in a shirt that was far too big for you, and the panties that Kylo had yanked down your thighs the night before. The memory made you turn in the mirror and tug the shirt up - exposing your skin.

Your fingers traced the remnants of welts covering the flesh of your bottom, and you winced as you curiously poked it. Yep. Still hurts.

You glanced at the shower and felt your grief latching onto the idea of warm beads of water washing away whatever the hell had happened last night. If only there was a shower for your mind, too.

Though you desperately needed to bathe - the only thing you did was splash some water onto your face, scrubbing the nice smelling soap across your cheeks to cleanse the makeup away.

A shower could wait until you figured out if you were alone or not. Kylo Ren had a habit of popping up wherever he pleased, whenever he pleased, and weren't keen on him walking in on your showering - still covered in the evidence of his correction.

As you finished washing your face, you just about jumped out of your skin as you opened your eyes to see Kylo standing in the doorway of the bathroom. His body took up much of the space, his head nearly reaching the top of the doorframe.

As you made eye contact in the mirror, a smile formed on his face. The butterflies in your stomach came alive again and you took a steadying breath.

"Morning." Kylo spoke first, leaning his upper body against the door frame.

"Hi." You responded shyly.

"Will you walk with me?"

The warmth had returned to his voice and it wrapped you in an embrace of safety. You nodded your head and he extended a hand to you.




The stables were magnificent. Made up of a rich looking wood, clearly crafted by hand. You ran your hand up the side, and found it to be smooth beneath your finger tips. It wouldn't be so inviting if it was found in a normal place - but the fact that this existed inside the city limits was astounding to you, for some reason.

Kylo lingered outside the opened doors. his hands clasping behind his back as he stood. He looked awkward and out of place. Like he hadn't been there in quite some time.

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