Chapter One

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The light was gushing through my blinds in an unpleasant manner, waking me up. I squinted my heavy eyes as I looked at my alarm clock. 12:24. I'm late. I tossed my duvet and blankets onto the floor and rushed towards my wardrobe. I swung the door open and grabbed a polo shirt and a black pleated skirt. It'll do. I got dressed as quickly as humanly possible and ran out of my room, into the hallway. I ran down the stairs, making a high-pitched squeak once I stepped on them. I tossed my head forward and grabbed my knotted hair to try and put it in a bun. I barged into the kitchen door, swinging it open and me falling into the table. I grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl and took a bite, then started to walk towards the fireplace. "GRANDMA, IM GOING TO MEET GOYLE AT DIAGON ALLEY!"

"Okay, my sweet, make sure you are back in time for dinner." My Grandma was a very kind-hearted lady, even if she never really understood my world. She loved my mother, and always said I reminded her of her. She sacrificed a lot for me, even moved from her home country just to look after me. We live in a weird town. You never really see anyone walking around. Our house outlasted the others because its made of concrete. Floor, roof, ceiling. Only one of four glass windows remain, wavy and thinned by time. But its home. I walked over towards the worn-out fireplace and grabbed some floo powder from the pot on top. I then stepped into the ashes. I don't travel by floo powder very often since I don't particularly enjoy the ride. I took a deep breath and spoke the words: Diagon alley. I threw the powder down onto the logs with force. Green flames erupted around me.

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I took a bite out of my apple as I approached the entrance of Flourish and Blotts, where I was meeting Goyle. "Look who's late, again."

"Alarm didn't go off," I replied bluntly.

"That's the fourth time you've used that excuse this month!"

"Third, actually." He looked down at his shoes awkwardly.

"Okay, okay. I will be on time next time, early actually." We both chuckled as we entered the bookstore. I searched inside my pocket for a crumpled-up piece of parchment paper. I straightened it out, revealing the list of school supplies I would need. I skim read the books I would need.

"Why are there so many?" I sighed. Goyle laughed at me and showed me where all the books I needed were. I followed him, picking up the books on the way and carrying them in my left arm. Goyle left me to pay, as he waited outside. On my way to the counter I grabbed a few more for light reading once I arrived, since Im not a very social person. I approached the counter and paid for my books and took them outside to meet Goyle.

Goyle was sat on a wooden bench outside of the shop sat next to a boy, who I am guessing was our age. He had bleach blonde hair and cold grey eyes. I couldnt help but stare at him, but I quickly snapped out of it. Goyle stood up to introduce me to him, but the boy stayed slouched down on the bench. "Y/n, this is Draco." Goyle stated.

"Malfoy," the strange boy continued. I hesitated.

"Umm- nice to meet you." He didnt even look at me. All of a sudden, he stood up and faced Goyle.

"I'll see you at school." Goyle nodded back at him in response. It was obvious that it was only directed at Goyle and not me. He turned to face me and sneered, barging into my shoulder on his way past.

"He seems... friendly," I joked. Goyle looked down at the floor.

"He is, he just doesnt like people like you."

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'People like me.' I couldn't get those words out of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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