Lord of the Flies

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Ralph walked up the scar and enjoyed the sun beating down on his face. He wasn't very worried by the plane crash, but instead joyous that he landed on such a beautiful Island.

He stood on his head and grinned like the idiot that he was.

He stood the right way again when he heard heavy panting and a voice shouting "Is anyone here!!?"

The owner of the voice came into view a few seconds later.
Written starting from the end of the book.

Roger and Jack all stood watching from a distance as all the boys sobbed like a bunch of babies(which, admittedly, they were).

They still didn't move as the boys, traumatised and guilty, trailed onto the ship and left the island with the officer.

Something was holding them back.

They felt a cold chill and the hairs on the back of their neck stood on end, they looked up and stared straight into the accusatory, soulless eyes of Simon and Piggy, and knew that they were going to pay for their many sins.

They ran and they hid. In Simon's spot, shielded from the sun by the trees that used to be Simon's comfort. They wanted to stay anyway - they told themselves.

'We ought to kill a pig,' said Roger
'We got to Hunt and Kill,' said Jack

They looked at each other and wondered what they had become.

But then they smiled. They loved what they'd become. Perhaps they were finally being themselves, away from society's rules and restrictions. They felt the chill again, the same spine tingling sensation. They were back.

Simon and Piggy would never let them live blissfully after what they'd done; never let them go on in their murderous, blood thirsty rampage without feeling the repercussions of their actions.

Simon and Piggy would make sure their remaining time on the island would be torturous. Experiencing only the excruciating pain of death over and over and over again. All Simon and Piggy wanted was to get back to civilisation safe and sound, but they didn't let them do that. And so Jack and Roger will never experience happiness again. Jack and Roger will never stop being in pain. And Jack and Roger will never be able to escape their fate.

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