Angry Secret

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im not in love with the titles of these chapeters if yall think of something better to name them lemme kno also remember to vote!!! it lets me kno im not shouting into the void also i need the validation teehee anyway enjoy peeps uwu

After I wake up I leave earlier than usual so when I get coffee I can talk to Midoriya for a while but to my disappointment he's not there.

"Where's Midoriya?" I ask his coworker Ururaka.

"Bakugo said he's sick. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I agree curiously.

"I have a break in ten minutes, can you wait?"

"Ok," I agree again as she hands me my coffee.

"On the house," she smiles.

I go and sit down at one of the tables in the back corner of the shop. There's a little fireplace and no windows so most of the lighting comes from the fire and the dim overhead lights blanketing everything in orange and brown tones that make me feel warm. Literally, the table I'm at is right next to the fire. As I sit waiting for Ururaka my left side gets unevenly heated so I move over to the seat across from me to cool off. Soon she's walking over her own drink in hand and sits from me.

"What did you wanna talk about?"

"What happened with you and Midoriya yesterday?" she questions bluntly.

"I- uh," I stumble over my words, surprised she asked me so point blank and also trying to figure out myself what exactly happened between us yesterday.

"He looked so sad when he got back. and your nose looks all busted, so I guess I'm wondering what exactly you did to him."

I sigh getting ready to lie through my teeth, "It meant nothing, I didn't know about his boyfriend. I just got caught up in the moment."

"You can't just hit someone and say it means nothing." she scolds keeping her voice low while doing so, "He gets enough of that already."

When she adds the last part he intimidating tone falters.

"No, no, I didn't hit him. I just kissed him. I'd never hit him. Why would you-," then I register her last point, "What do you mean he gets enough of that?"

"Kissed him? Do you like him?"

"Well not anymore, but what did you mean by that?" I ask, getting a little concerned.

"What why?" she asks, a little disappointed.

"He already has someone," I look down, the fresh thought still making me sad.

"I wouldn't say that," she says looking down and making an identical face to mine.

"What do you mean?"

She looks at me, and I mean really looks at me. seemingly reading my soul trying to find something.

"You seem nice."

I stay silent.

"I'm going to tell you this, but you tell Deku that I did okay?"

I nod.

"His boyfriend, Bakugo, he's angry. He's always angry. And Deku," she pauses taking a drink, "he's always with him."

She stays silent finding words but I try to find them for her.

"That's what you meant when you said he already gets enough of that- he's abusing him isn't he?"

She nods her head confirming my suspicions from yesterday when I saw that burn on him. She looks directly down and her face becomes hidden bending her bangs.

"I tried to help him but he's so in love. When I try to tell him to leave he always threatens our friendship and I can't abandon him. He has nobody left. But I feel him slipping away, he's spending more and more time with him and getting sadder and sadder. There's nothing I can do."

At this point I can tell she's crying so I reach my hand out and place it on top of hers.

"It's not your fault."

She sniffs.

"If what you said about him having nobody is true he's afraid of losing him too. He's probably using that against him. You're not the one abusing him. You're a good friend, you almost jumped me when you thought I hit him."

She looks up through her hair and laughs a bit. She wipes her tears and pushes her hair out of her face.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, so you like him, don't you?"

"A lot."

"Go after him."

"I can't. Even if this Bakugo is a trash can he still loves him. I can't compete with that."

"Have you seen yourself?" she rhetorically asks. "Plus the day you first came in here he dropped coffee and stared at you with a red face." she giggles. "He definitely likes you. He just needs to know you're an option for him and one that is better than his current one. Which is a pretty low bar."

"How do I do that?"

"Be yourself. You seem like just what he needs. I'll also put in a good word for you."

"Do you really think he likes me?" I ask still unsure.

"I really do," she responds genuinely and I trust her completely.

Maybe it's because she's just as sweet as Midoriya, or maybe it's because I'd believe anything that could mean I have a future with him. I don't know why I like him so much. I don't at all understand it. I've never liked anyone this much before let alone romantically.

Uraraka takes a pen out of her shirt pocket and writes something down on a napkin, "Here's my number. We can make a plan later and I'll text you Deku's number."

"Thank you," I say gratefully.

"One last thing," she adds.


"Don't forget to vote on the story."

I laugh at the silly notion, "I already have. I know before even reading these extremely well written and thought out stories that I'll throughly enjoy them."

"Plus," Ururaka chimes, "the author is pretty hot too!"

omg such a crazy ending ik teehee. but seriously vote and if you dont the integrations will get more persistant and annoying cuz i was born in hell and ill die there too b1tches byyyyyyyye

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