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Not everyone has a happy story

Some people have sad beginnings and perhaps sad endings

My name is ALEX short for Alexandra

Yes I had a sad beginning

I never had parents

As soon as I was born I was dropped at the orphanage

I was the kid no one wanted to associate with

The girl with the weirdish bluish-green eyes

Who never tried to speak to anyone

I was eventually adopted, but along the way my adoptive parents died

Leaving me with my adoptive grandmother.

With brains like mine I was able to get into a good college with a scholarship.

And now here I am in a coffee shop dreaming away

"Alex snap out of it and pay me some attention ,I have been calling your name for a while now"

"Sorry Ria what do you need?"

"I need to go pick up my little brother from school, can you please manage the counter? I promise I won't take long"

"Run along Ria, I will manage"

"thanks a bunch Alex" I gave her a small smile.

I walked to the counter to go wait for customers to enter the coffee shop.

I wish I had a phone right now to heighten my spirits with some songsI closed my eyes humming a tune to myself.

I heard a deep chuckling, I opened my eyes and saw amused deep blue ocean eyes staring at me.

"what happened to the counter girl, humming girl" I was taking aback by is voice, oh mother of heavens so smooth yet so deep and heavenly ,though I don't like the fact that I'm being called humming girl

"hey humming girl, where has your mind gone to?'

"first of, my name isn't humming girl and so called counter girl has stepped out, please kindly make an order so the other people behind you can make orders too" I said giving him a blank stare. Though wandering what is business with Ria is.

"seems like humming girl doesnt like her name ,well I will be having extra creamed coffee, grumpy at the back.." he said pointing to a tall guy with Emerald eyes and extremely dark black hair. "..will be having strong black coffee, no cream and flirthead there.." he said pointing at another guy who was shamelessly flirting with a sixteen year old teenager, he had dark brown eyes that draw you in, blonde hair also tall, he reminded me of highschool football hotties who had all the girls swooning. "..will have just moderate coffee with whipped cream and please all coffee's should come with plates of cheesecakes, thank you" He then whispered something to flirthead and just like that the three of them walked in sync to a table, and I dont think miss 16yearold was happy about that, cause she was next and was literally pissed since her mother walked into the coffee shop. How did I know? The mother literally came screaming at her to hurry the fuck up and she said a low' yes mother'. I'm guessing she was embarrassed. She made her order and I quickly gave it to her and went to the back to start preparing the three tallinos coffee's. yup thats what I call them now.

I walked out with a tray with their orders in it.

"HG, in case you dont understand thats short for humming girl, I thought you were going to die along with our breakfast, what took you so long?"

"thats entirely none of your business Mr, I will be back with your bill" I mean okay maybe I was a little rude but I guess my rudeness is justified right. As I said that Ria walked in, oh thank goodness cause I will soon be running late for my morning lecture.

"hello Adrian cutiepie" I said pulling Ria's 14 year old brother's cheek.

''hey Alex'' he said removing my hands from his cheek, I chuckled and I ran to get my bag at the back, got the tallino's bill, told ria not to forget to collect the money, I ran out slammed the bill on their table and ran out of the coffee shop to the bus station.

HG AND THAT ONE TALLINO.Where stories live. Discover now