Best Case Scenario

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There was no point in trying to sneak back into the Hall.

Hongjoong had left the familiar comfort of his former home behind, scared out of reading his mother's diary by a group of strangers who had been arriving to cart away their belongings, auctioning them off to who knows where.

It was all he needed to know his relatives had gone through with selling the cottage.

So he hid the book in the floorboards, walking back to Jangwon on tired feet, nowhere else to go, and took the verbal beating he knew to expect for running off like he had.

Except it wasn't just Aunt Minkyung. It was Aunt Ajung, and Aunt Sohee, and even Sohee's son Myungsoo and his fiancée Bora.

Hongjoong sighed and closed his eyes in exasperation, slowing to a stop in front of them.

It looked like they would be causing a scene in the entryway. One Hongjoong should've expected.

"Where have you been all night?" Minkyung snapped. Hongjoong didn't even get a chance to answer.

"And the night before the funeral, no less!" Aunt Ajung muttered, clearly more upset about the inconvenience than anything else.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were? We thought we'd have to send a search party—" Sohee began but was interrupted by Aunt Minkyung again.

"You could've died, do you realise that?"

"Well, sorry to disappoint," Hongjoong finally shot back, trying to get around the imposing gaggle of relations.

Scandalised gasps went up all around him but he kept walking.

The pair of gardeners tending the front lawn were wide-eyed and whispering to each other.

Suddenly someone yanked on Hongjoong's arm, pulling him back. He was confronted with Aunt Minkyung's incredibly red face, arm raised as if to deliver a slap.

"How dare you show such disrespect, you ungrateful—"

"Let me through!" Cousin Seyong's voice broke through the chaos as he pushed past the crowd and pulled Hongjoong out of his mother's firm grip. "No time, he needs to get ready."

Confused but grateful to be whisked away from the confrontation, Hongjoong followed Seyong into the private wing occupied by the master of the hall and his immediate family, where Hongjoong had spent the night previously.

Yujung was there waiting and shushed Hongjoong before he could ask anything, scanning him up and down.

"Look at you, you're filthy."

He had nothing to say on the matter, so he let himself be scrubbed, washed, rinsed, and dressed. He had to admit as he stood in his best clothes and let Yujung wrangle his hair into something presentable, that it felt kind of nice. Something he had missed.

"You're taking care of me."

It sounded like a statement but underneath the emotionless exterior it was a question.

"Well, nothing's decided. Not until this evening."

They still had a funeral to get through.

Hongjoong nodded quickly and steeled himself. There was no guarantee of anything anymore. He knew that the moment the storm split their boat in two.


The sky was grey. No sunshine, and no rain. Just another average overcast day.

Everyone was assembled behind Jangwon on a hill facing east, the highest point in the town.

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