Chapter 2:Diagon Alley

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Hopes POV

As I continued to wonder around the area I really started to worry about my family and what was going on, I found myself at a park I walked over to the swing and sat down everything suddenly hit, I knew I was no longer in my world, I really started to panic as I didn't know if I would make it back or not, as the hours quickly flyed by the once hot sun went to a cold calm night I didn't have a place to stay so I found myself the main park and lit a fire
"Insindia" I whispered and the little bit of sticks I gathered lit up the near by area

As I layer down and started to fall asleep all I heard was owls hooting and hooting I held up my hand
"Silencio" my patience at this point was extremely thin and without my family I was quite a danger, it was nice to finally have quiet then I heard two people walking towards me I quickly stood up ready to fight if need be but all I saw was a older man with a extremely long beard and a older woman next to him I was still cautious

"Hello"the old man spoke
I kept quiet....
"My name is professor Dumbledore"he calmly said
"Hope..."I cautiously said
"What do you want"I spat
"Oh, my apologies we mean no harm"Dumbledore spoke
"I'll believe it once I see it"I snapped back

I did feel like I could trust them but after what happened to my mum and with Roman I'm not gonna trust people that easy, though I did sense magic around them so they definitely weren't normal humans
"I can tell you a witch you have a very powerful aura around you"Dumbledore said
"Mhmm"I mumbled
"Well I have a school for witches and wizards, and I think it would be good for you to go to"he questioned

I thought it would be a good idea to learn new spells and have a place to stay until I find a way to get home though I didn't trust these people that easily
"Okay...."I shakily said
"Wonderful shall we get your wand and books now?"he said with a croaky voice
"Wand?"I questioned
"Yes"he replied
"What's that?"I asked
"What you use to do magic"he awsered
"Oh well, alright"I cautionly walked over to him
"Now this May be odd for your first time, but hold on"
"That's fine"I say as I hold on to his shoulder

Just then it felt like I was flying, I was flying and I was getting dizzy as all I was doing was twisting and turning all over the place, and when we finally stopped I felt like I was going to pass out
"Here we are Diagon Alley"he raspy said
As I looked around in amazement this place sorta reminded me of New Orleans with all witchcraft and all these out there shops and I really started to worry about me not being able to get home but I pushed it down I didn't want these people knowing about who I am, even though I'm not even sure if this is my world

"Wow"I whispered
"Yes it is quite interesting, now you go get your wand, I'll get all your books and robes, here, that should be enough for your wand"he said while pulling out some gold coins
"And where am I supposed to go?"I asked
"To olivanders, he has the best wands"he awnsered

As I walked over to the shop I turned around to see Dumbledore start walking to another shop i think it was with animals I walked in I saw someone I didn't even think to see, Harry!
"Harry!?"I questioned
He quickly turned around to see me, and I saw his face light up
"Hope!, your a witch?!"he exclaimed
"Yeah...your a witch!?"I replied
"Wizard, this is so cool, I was just getting my wand, I assume you are to"he corrected
"Yeah I am"I said

Then along came quite a old man, around his late 70s early 80s he also had quite a raspy voice, he walked up to the counter with a little case
"Here we are"he said while taking out a wand and giving it to Harry, well Harry looked liked he knew what to do as much as I did
"Well give it a wave"he exclaimed, sorta making Harry jump which made me giggle
He pointed it at something and the papers that he pointed at went bursting out of there places and spreading all over the floor, Harry quickly put the wand back down
"Apparently not"he mumbled
He walked off to get another wand

"Well that was a disaster"I whispered, and we both laughed
"Perhaps this"Olivander spoke, giving Harry another wand
Harry cautiously grabbed it, and flicked it at a vase which ended up exploding into glass shards
"No,no definitely not" he said in a little panic
"No matter, I wonder...?"he said to himself
He slowly walked back over to Harry, then he gave him this wand, I was expecting it to blow up the building at this point, because of what happened before, but this time I light lit Harry up, beaming on him while his hair was flowing in the wind and his eyes widening

Curious....very curious"he whispered
"Sorry but what's curious"Harry asked
"I remember everyone's have ever sold Mr Potter it's so happens that the Phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand gave another feather just one other it is curious that you should be distant for this wand when it's Brother gave you that scar" he exclaimed
"and who and that wand?"Harry questioned
We do not speak his name the one to choose is the wizard Mr Potter it's not always clear why but I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you after all he who must not be named did great things terrible but great"he said with confidence

"Now for you"he said while walking over to me
He bent down to study me, it took him awhile to figure out what wand would best for me
"Hmmm, your a interesting one"he exclaimed
"What do you mean?"I asked
"I am barely able to read you, usually it's quite a skill of mine but I can't for you, what is your name again?"he replied
"Um Hope, Hope Mikaelson"I mumbled
"Hmm perhaps this one?"he said while walking over to me with a wand, as soon as I held it , it felt wrong, this wasn't the one for me, as soon as I moved I set fire to the shop, I put it down as fast as I could
"NOPE, no, no not that one"he jumped

He took it back straight away, and rushed over to put it back while thinking which other one would be good
"Wow you're even more destructive than I am"Harry giggled
"No....yeah but that wasn't the right wand for me"I spat back
"Your still destructive"he laughed
"Shut up, Harry"I giggled

Just then I saw Olivander go way back to the shop and had to reach way to the back, and looked down at the wand with a confused but interested look, he walked over to me and handed me the wand, as soon as I grabbed the wand I felt a rush of energy beam threw my body, the floor was shaking and my hair was flowing, when I looked down at the wand I saw it had little Rose carvings in it with a "m" popping up every so often
"Mikaelson"I whispered
"Now miss Mikaelson, your wand is a very interesting one, I have never seen a wand like it in all my years, your core is not made up of just one but two it starts off as dragon heartstring but then it changes to Phoenix feather as it goes up I've never seen two cores bind together like this"he says in amazement
"Wow"Harry and I said Together
"Now miss Mikaelson I can tell that you will be a powerful and wise witch it will be interesting to see how far you go with your journey in Hogwarts"he spoke
"Thank you..."I said

We both been paid and made our way out
"Did you hear that we both are supposed to be powerful"Harry said excitedly
"Yeah..."I sadly said
"Hey what's wrong you seem down"he asked
"I'm fine, Harry just.....shocked"I lied
As we started walking I saw Dumbledore talking with another man with a big long brown beard who was so tall that he had to look down to see Dumbledore both of them were holding a cage with a owls and it with bags next to them
"Happy birthday Harry"the man said while holding up a white feathered owl
"Ah Hope I see you met a friend"Dumbledore said
"Uh yes this is Harry"I replied
"It's nice to meet you sir"Harry shakily said
"It's nice to meet you too Harry"Dumbledore replied
"Oh Hope this is Rubius Hagrid, he will be taking you to the train station, and don't worry I trust Hagrid with my life"
"Why can't you take me"I curiously asked
"I have to make sure the school is all ready for the new students"he exclaimed
"Okay...."I mumbled
"Well see you both there"

Authors note
Sorry that this took so long to publish I will get better management also I'm sorry if the spelling is bad I've never been I great speller, other than that see you's next time with

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