Chapter 3:Platform 9 3/4

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Hopes POV

As Dumbledore started walking away I started getting quite nervous about going to a new school for people like me, these sort of Witches aren't like the ones I'm used to they need wands to do magic, I don't even know if they know what werewolves or Vampires are or what power a possess but until I can trust them with my life they aren't knowing anything more about me
"Come on Hope"Hagrid said
"Oh yup, sorry"I uttered

That night
We were all quietly eating our soup in a hotel, bar thing it was quite awkward actually no one talking and it just being quiet I mean I was thinking over about me being in a different world, how I might not get back and Harry is probaly thinking about how his parents died, when Hagrid finally spoke
"You alright you's too you seem very quiet" I stayed quiet
" he killed my parents didn't he the one who gave me this, you know Hagrid I know you do"Harry replied
" first understand this you's too, not all wizards are good some of them go to bad A few years ago there was this for the two windows but if you can be, and his name is V- his name is V"he stuttered
"Maybe if you wrote it down"Harry inquired
"No I can't spell it"Hagrid replied
"Alright....Voldemort"he added
"Voldemort?"I shouted
"Shhhhh"he hushed

" it was dark times yous to dark times Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought them over to the dark side Anyone who stood up against him ended up dead, Your parents fought against him but no one left once you decide to kill them, no one not one except you"Hagrid told us I was in shock that Voldemort person tried to kill Harry, who was just a baby?!
"Me...?!...Voldemort tried to kill me?"Harry stuttered
"Yes, that ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead Harry, a mark like that only comes when you've been touched by a curse and a evil curse at that"Hagrid stated
"What happened to know who?"Harry asked
"Some says he died, doubt it, nope I reckon he's out there still too tired to carry on, but one things absolutely certain, something about you stoped him that night, your famous, that's why everyone knows your name, your the boy that lived"he exclaimed

That night
That night in the room, me and Harry were just settling down

"You never said you were famous Harry?"I asked
"I didn't know I was"he replied
"Are you exited to go to this school?"he questioned
"Sort of...I am nervous though"I quipped
"Yeah me too, I don't know anything about magic"he added
"I don't know much I know a few though"
"Can I see"he asked
"Ummmm sure"I said while pulling out my wand lifting and pointing it to a lamp ,I put my other hand on my side to do the real magic because obviously I haven't learnt any wand magic only my magic, I pretend to flick my wand and I whisper
"Venmetos motas" making the lamp come flying towards me and I catch it
"Wow, awesome"he laughed

The next day at the train station

We were walking down the hall me and Harry both had trolleys full of all our things our books, suitcases we even had our own owls he got a white one who he called Hedwig I got a black owl who I called moon it was again quiet when Hagrid looked down at his watch and said
"Blimey is that the time, sorry yous two I'm gonna have to leave you, Dumbledore he'll want, well he'll want to see me, uh here's you tickets, stick to them, they are very important"he Exclaimed

I looked down at my ticket it said 9 3/4
"Um I don't think there's a platform 9 3/4....I think you....." I spoke before looking up to see that he was gone I looked over at Harry
"Do you know where to go?"he asked
"Not at all"I replied
We walked around for awhile trying to find platform 9 3/4 but we couldnt find it anywhere, then I went up to a train person and asked him
"Excuse me do you know where I could find platform 9 3/4?"I asked
"9 3/4 do you think your funny?" He said before helping another person
"Rude"I whispered
"Hey Hope!"I heard Harry call out, I turned around and started walking towards him
"Yeah?"I questioned
"That family over there said "Muggles" I think there Wizards"he said before walking towards them
"Harry!" I tried to call out but he was already over there

I quickly ran towards him as I saw two teen boys run right threw a wall, it was so cool and looked fun to just run into a wall without injury and disappearing , i then walked up beside harry, who was talking to a women with Orange hair
"How to get on to the platform, yes not to worry dears its Ron's first year at Hogwarts as well, now what you need to do is run straight at the wall between platform 9 and 10, better to do it with a little run"She explained
"Good luck"a little red-headed girl said
"You can go first Harry"I told

Harry run right threw the wall and I quickly followed it felt so weird I came out of the wall to see a massive train and Harry just standing there amazed
"Come on Harry" I giggled
"Oh right"he laughed
We put our bags and things on the train, and once we hoped on we were just walking down I slim corridor until we found a empty compartment, and went in and sat down, we weren't even talking we were just in our thoughts looking out the window, then I boy with red hair walked up
"Excuse me do you mind everywhere else is full"he stuttered
"Of course" we both said
"I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley"he spoke
"I'm Hope, Hope Mikaelson"I replied
"I'm Harry, Harry Potter" he Exclaimed, and then his eyes widened and mouth opened
"So it true, do you have the-the...."he stuttered
"The what?"Harry questioned
"Scar...."he whispered
"Oh yeah"Harry said before lifting his hair up to reveal a scar

I women with a big cart of food then walked up, the food smelt delicious, warm, and sweet, Dumbledore didn't give me extra money which I was fine with but that food looked really good
"Anything from the trolley dears?"she calmly said
"No thanks, I'm all set"Ron said while holding out a sandwich, then Harry pulled a lot of gold and silver out of his pocket
"We'll take the lot"he proudly said

Ron was stuffing himself with food, whilst Harry was eating at a slow lee and more normal pace I was eating I little bit here and there, though Ron had a rat which was a little bit weird
"Berty box every flavoured beans?"Harry questioned
"They mean every flavour, there's chocolate and peppermint and there's also spinach, liver and tripe, George swears he got a boogie flavoured one once"Ron replied making Harry spit out the bean
"These aren't real frogs are they?"Harry again asking
"It's just a spell, besides it the card you want, of a famous witch or wizard, I've got about 500"he said

Harry then opened a box to see a chocolate frog leap out onto the window
"Watch it!"Ron squeals, then have it jump out the window
"Aw, rotten luck I've only got one good luck to begin with"he added
"I got Dumbledore!"Harry exitedly said
"I've got about 6 of him"
"Hey he's gone!"
"Well you can't expect him to run around all day, can you?"

I finally speak up about the rat...
"Soo, Ron what's with the rat?"I ask
"Oh this is scabbers, pathetic isn't he?"Ron replied
"Just a little"Harry quietly said
"Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow, you wanna see?"he asked
"Yeah!"Harry exclaimed

Ron then cleared his throat and began to speak, until we got interrupted
"Have any of you seen a toad, a boy named Neville has lost one"the girl said
"Oh are practicing magic, let's see then"she proudly added
"Sunshine, daises bottom mellow, turn this fat rat yellow"he said making that rat blow
"Are you sure that's a real spell?, well it's not very good is it"She said

She walked into the compartment and sat down across from Harry and said
"Here, oculus repero" making Harry's broken glass repair them self's instantly
"Holy cricket, your Harry Potter!, I'm hermoine Granger and you's are?"she spoke
"Ron Wesley"he said
"Um Hope Mikaelson"I replied
"Pleasure"she said
"We should be arriving soon, you should change into your robes"she added
"You've got dirt on you nose did you know, just there"she said

We all then got changed, sat down and started to relax until we got to school I was quite nervous I don't know what going to happen while I'm here, like will I have a normal life here, or will it get interrupted with a death or a murderer what ever happens I'm both exited and anxious

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