ONE: Coming Home

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Tord Larkwood.

A young adult, age twenty-four, pansexual, and happily married to his incredible husband. His life was perfect for him; he would have it no other way.

Well, I suppose there is one thing I would change. Tord thought as he ran a towel through his messy and wet hair. He had just gotten out of the shower, and he felt warm and refreshed.

It was nothing physical that Tord would change about his husband; he was perfect to him. It was his work that bothered the Norwegian.

Tord's spouse, Tom Larkwood, worked as an epidemiologist and was currently in America helping out with research on the recent outbreak. COVID-19 had gotten to the point of complete quarantine; airlines were shut down, millions of jobs were lost, and thousands of lives were taken all in the span of a few months.

Tom had been sent to the US of A about three months prior to the present day and was finally coming home tonight for the weekend. Tord had been buzzing with excitement all day, waiting patiently for his lover to return to him.

I just wish he could stay home... The Norwegian thought to himself as he slipped on one of his night sweaters. Tord finished getting dressed, pulling up his fuzzy horse patterned sweatpants with ease. He stared in the mirror and let out a sigh, feeling exhausted out of nowhere. I just want my marriage back.

Tord brushed his teeth until all he could taste was the crisp mint toothpaste and brushed his hair. He took a disdainful glance at his caramel blond locks and flattened the 'horns' down. The male grunted and put his hands in his hips, checking his reflection for anything unsatisfactory. Finding nothing too unappealing, Tord began his moisturization routine.

After his skin was soft enough, he left the restroom to head to his bedroom. Tord put his phone on the nightstand and plugged it up before pulling the purple sheets back to get under them. The excitement began bubbling up in his chest again as he looked at his alarm clock. The bright green numbers read 8:45 PM, and Tom was scheduled to arrive at 9 PM. Tord was practically trembling as he pulled the heavy comforter over his body, cuddling up with his lavender-scented pillow to further warm himself. He stared at the wall beside their bed and pondered for a moment. What would the two of them say to each other? It has been three months since they had been in each other's company.

Fifteen minutes quickly passed, and Tord was still laying in bed patiently. He was almost beginning to drift off into sleep-

Until he heard the sound of a faint click come from the kitchen. The Norse felt his heart rate begin to speed up, and he held his pillow tighter as he heard the quiet noises of footsteps. His breath quickened-

And the bedroom door creaked open, a soft yellow light flooding the room with it. Tord slowly turned over on the mattress to gaze at the figure standing in the doorway.

There he was, the love of his life in all of his glory, just standing there and smiling like an idiot. Tord grinned giddily, tears pricking and threatening to spill over from his baby blue eyes. Tom walked over to the bed and sat down next to where Tord lied, before lying down as well.

Tord let out a soft chuckle as his lover reached forward to cup his cheek and stare into his eyes for a good second. No words were said for a moment. Only longing stares and tears.

There was a quiet shuffling as the two sat up together. Tord set his pillow aside and faced Tom, who decided on picking the smaller male up by his hips to pull him closer. The Scandinavian climbed into his lap and peered up at his voids for eyes.

Tord decided to hold the silence for a minute longer to admire his spouse's features. His dark and rich skin tone, his soft dark brown hair, and even his empty, black eyes made the boy's heart go pitter-patter.

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