Yes Man

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There once was a man
Who said yes to everything
He became famous
He was not happy
So we went searching for it,
His fans watching close.
He searched high and low
Questioning what he once knew,
Looking deep within.
His discovery:
Happiness is not simple.
It is acquired.
Or rather, a skill.
Mastered and maintained by practice.
Coming and going at will.
My will.
My free will.
Or maybe it is a gift,
Rewarded by God,
When he sees fit.
Rare blessings bestowed.
Never knowing which is 'right'.
One taking action,
The other trusting in fate.
Two ways:
Standing up for what is 'right'.
Sitting back... watching,
Strategically planning.
Both ready for the attack
Equipped with different
Methods of fighting...
Two ways:
Striking hard first or
Waiting silently.
Always strictly seen as yin or yang,
I asked the man, "which is it?"
"Which brings happiness?"
To which he responded, "yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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