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The flames licked the walls around them. There were no screaming, not a single living soul left. Except for him. For a minute, he wondered if vampires had a soul in their immortal core. Erina had left the sinking boat with a baby, at least two lives had been saved. He sighted deeply, but couldn't shake off that feeling that he was missing someyhing. Did he leave a legacy to this world? He couldn't explain how, but deep within he knew his bloodline wasn't ending with him, here, in this flooded ship.
He lowered his gaze on the head wrapped in his arms. Had his brother killed anything before Danny? How ironic, his first murder did involve fire as well. Today, Dio would die, by the fire like the dog he had killed seven years ago. Jonathan knew he would expire before the burning flames would reach him. He could already barely breathe. A tear fell on the face's cheek. Dio made his childhood a painful memory, he destroyed everything he tried to build. And yet, he couldn't help but love him. They grew up together, and Jonathan wondered if he could have been a good man, if he had a decent father and a loving mother. In the end, all he had wanted was to have a brother.

He lifted the head closer to his heart and hugged it. He wanted the beast to know that somebody loved him sincerely in his cold world. His chest felt painful, but he gathered the last of his strength for this hug, trying to give Dio a last, loving touch before both of them died. Because this was maybe the only thing this boy ever wanted, a young man raised by a violent alcoholic brute that killed his mother.

Then, he felt all of his energy leave his body, his arms growing limp around his brother. His vision blurred, and his last thoughts converged toward his wife, and his legacy. He wished that his sacrifice will keep them safe from Dio. His eyelids covered his deep blue eyes from which all light had faded. The air escaped his parted lips, soflty, until everything was still.

As he heard his brother's last heartbeat, Dio's tears flooded his face. He had won, and yet, why did he felt like he had lost everything?

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