Chapter 4

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The instant we get back to Big Momma's the party was still on, Lela squeals and runs over to Brady and puts her hands on his chest, "Thanks again Brady for catching me. You know, these are-" She saw me standing there, she gasps and looks at the both of us, "Oh, bonkers. Are you two together? I would never take another's girl's boy. I mean that would be stealing, and, well, probably very hard to return." She looks at me, "Uh, no. We're not together." Brady looks at me, his face looked hurt, "I mean, we're together, but we're not together." I make up an excuse, "Lela, this is Natalie." I cringe at Brady using my full name, I don't think I've heard him use it in forever, "So you wouldn't mind if Brady took me for a walk on the beach?" Lela asks me, I bite my lip, "Please, I mean. Beaches were meant to be walked on... that's why, they're called... beaches." I looked down, "You guys are strange. I like that. Uh, meet me by the water Brady. Oh, it was very nice to meet you." She touches my arm and skips off, I shimmy my arm, as if to get rid of her touch, Brady walks over to me and puts his hand where Lela touched, "Better?" He asks, I nod, "I don't get it. Okay, first you break up with me, but then you throw me in the arms of someone else?" He sounded angry, "She's crushing on you." I point at her in the distance, "I love you, and until you go off to that school, hell, even when you come back, I'm not gonna love anyone else but you. The way I love you." He shrugs, "Okay, you're not seeing what's right in front of you." I see her leaning on the lifeguard tower and she waits for Brady, "You're right in front of me!" He grabs my waist, "I can explain it to you Brady but I can't understand it for you." I look at Tanner, "So the way to get her to like him, is for me to deflect her affections off of me, and on to him." Brady puts it together, "I really hope so. I'm gonna do the same with Tanner." I look at him, "All right. I'll be right back as soon as I can get that smokin' girl to hate me." He walks off, "Ah?" I look at him, "I'm getting into the mindset," He knocks his head, "Sure..." I slowly nod and chuckle shaking my head and running to Tanner, "If that guys does anything to you, tell me and I'll kill him," Brady draws a line across his neck, "And now I'm hundred percent gonna tell you everything he does," I say sarcastically, both of us laugh and head off.

"Hi," I walked up to Tanner as he was strumming the guitar, "Hi!" He looks up, "Uh, do you mind if I join you?" I ask, "Course not, I'd wanna join me too." He laughs, I give a forced laugh, "Narcissist," I whispered to myself, "So, hey, you know, I've never seen a chick quite like you." He smiles, "Chick? Really? Hold on while I lay some eggs. I'm only a Bunny." I think of the pet name Brady always calls me, I don't even know how he got it, that's just what he's been calling me from day one. "Okay," Tanner shrugs, "No, that was a... figure of speech. Never mind. Thank you for the compliment. It's nice." I chuckle, "Sure," Tanner laughs. "So you play the guitar," I try to start conversation, "I know." He looks up, is this guy really that stupid? "No, I mean, are you any good?" I ask, "I am a little tired, but..." Tanner laughs, "I mean at guitar," I felt like I was talking to a three year old, "Well sure. When something inspired me. If music be the food of love, play on." He looks off in the distance, "Was that Shakespeare?" I was confused, "Huh? Uh, no. That was me. Sometimes I talk low for effect." He chuckles, "It works," I gave a forced smile, "Thanks! I can do, high also!" He goes up into a high voice that took me off guard, "But chicks really dig low better." He laughs, "Yeah," I nod, "You know, I dig you Nat. You're different than other girls around her." He says in his low voice, "Actually, no. I'm not different. I'm totally the same." I laughed, "Same as what?" Tanner asks, "As everyone that isn't different." I think fast, "You mind if I write a song for you?" He asks, "Ah yes. Whats words rhymes with Nat? Mat? Bat? Cat? Rat? That's a terrible song." I laughed, I saw the look on his face, "Really Tanner. You only like me because you think that running into you was destiny. But, not our destiny. Your destiny, with someone that you're meant to be with. That isn't me. See?" I smiled, "Oh a song anyway," I look the other way.

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