Chapter 6

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"Alright, so we gotta get Lela and Tanner together, we have to make them find out about Les' machine and have them destroy it before it destroys them." Brady lists, "Oh no, you're talking in plot points!" I slap his chest, "Going somewhere?" We turn around and see Les Camembert and Dr. Fusion, "Come on!" Brady pulls me after him, we saw a ray of something, shoot past us causing an explosion, "You're not going anywhere!" Les looks at us, "Cool!" I light up, "You're not supposed to act like that, girls are meant to be petrified!" He looks at me, "What, did you say?" I look up at him, "Oh no," Brady looks at him, "Did you really just say that?" I ball up my fist, "I know karate!" Brady says randomly, "What?" I turn around, "And like two other Japanese words I learnt in school," He took a running start but Dr. Fusion used the ray gun and shot Brady, he flew back, "Brady! Brady? Brady!" He was unconscious, I pull him up onto my lap, "Oh he's fine, it was only on stun." Dr. Fusion looks at the gun, "Drats." Les snaps his fingers, I pull his bangs back, "Ow..." He mutters, "In the movie it looked like it would hurt a whole lot less," He rubs his head, "Yeah," I kissed his lips. 

"In mere moments, less time than it takes for me to steal this scene. This machine will change the weather patterns, I shall take possession of Big Mumma's," Les holds the stun gun near our faces, he tied us up against the weather machine, binding out wrists, "Big Momma's!" Dr. Fusion giggles, "And all your friends will disappear forever, or longer!" He continues, "Yeah well there's one flaw to your plan." I grin, "Oh really? And what might that be?" He raises an eyebrow, "I kinda wanna die~" I sing, "Hey, I like those lyrics," I grin, "Babe, how many times have I told you, stop with the suicidal jokes," Brady knocks me with his hip, "And you think that it's a joke but it's really not~" I continue singing, "Wow... a girl who isn't afraid of death." Les crouches down, "Well! I'm off to measure the beach for a resort parking lot!" Both of them laugh manically and walk off. "Ow." I hissed, both of us tried to untie our hands, "it could be worse, at least my favourite movie wasn't Tarantulas on a Train." Brady says, I splutter and try to hold in my laughter, "If it wasn't for all this, I'd be on a plan right now heading to some private school. To become something that I really don't wanna be." I lean on Brady's arm, "You don't do you?" He kisses my head, "You know I've spent this entire movie telling Lela to follow her heart and do what she loves and she did. She's more courages that I am." I look off, "That's not true, you're braver than anyone I know. You think I'd date a coward?" Brady nudges me, I chuckle, "So you're glad we came?" He looks at me, "I couldn't be more glad. It's like I'm tied up but at the same time, I've never felt more free. You're right, what's the hurry to grow up, when I could be stuck in 1962 with you? I love you... Baby," I tuck my head into his shoulder, "Did I hear you right?" He grins and looks down at me, "Shut up, you know I'm not big on pet names, milk up my fever while you can." I kissed his neck, "I will," He smirks and kisses my temple.

"We only have one loose screw left. Then we'll be ready to change the world!" Dr. Fusion was above us tightening a screw, "Do you really want to do this? Ruin the lives of all these people. Besides, we were having a moment, you just had to ruin it." Brady looks up at him, "Just because you can magnify the power of nuclear plutonium by 647 degrees doesn't mean you have to." I look up at him, "What?" Brady looks down at me, "What? Like I never pay attention to the movie when you watch it. You think I only head down to the couch for your cuddles? I need to be entertained some how. You're pretty boring." I grin and shrug, "How did you know that? Who are you?" Dr. Fusion popped up right near me, I squeaked, "We're from the future and you're not real. You're just a villain in a movie we got stuck in somehow." Brady explains, "No..." He pops up near Brady, "Yep." I nod, "I'm nothing but a flicker on a silver screen?" He gasps, "Yeah, pretty much," Brady and I nod, "Bad news! Bad news! Bad news! The Surfers and the Bikers have united together in order to destroy us and save you two!" Les Camembert runs in, "How's that bad news?" I grin, "Bad news for you." Brady smirks, "Really? Doctor. It's time." Les inches his head to the controls, "The machine man!" He shouts after Dr. Fusion didn't get it. He pulls levers and presses the red button.

Brady x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ