Chapter One

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I skipped into the house, my wings floating behind me. I waved at my younger sister, Shirin, and bounded into the kitchen. Mum turned to me and asked, "How was school Erinna?"

I walked over to Mum and hugged her. She squeezed me back and then held me at arm's length when I answered, "Good."

I took in her curly black hair, flawless complexion, long, elegant wings and bright violet eyes. It was obvious we were related because I looked exactly like her.

My wings flexed, it was their way of telling me they needed to be stretched, relieved of the tension they have been suffering all day. "Ok Mum, I got to go stretch my wings, I'll be back soon." I kissed her on the cheek and walked back outside.

I gazed at vibrant town I called home. Families walking together, children laughing and dancing around, and woman selling bright necklaces, bracelets and other knickknacks. The one thing all these people had in common was they all were adorned with wings, splayed elegantly behind them. They were all different shapes, sizes and colours, but that didn't matter. These wings marked us as something special; fairies. No, we weren't three inches tall and we certainly don't live in tiny mushroom houses. But instead, we're slightly taller than the average human and obviously, have wings. I've heard rumors about people who go to the human realm and have been able to retract their wings, but I couldn't be sure, since I've never been outside the fairy realm. It was forbidden to leave the fairy realm without permission from the elders, but a few have done it before. Four elders rule the fairy realm, keeping the peace and harmony the previous elders have maintained for centuries. There are four different kinds of fairies; the Dreamers, Healers, Elementals and the rarest kind, the Immaculate. The Dream fairies can manipulate other's minds, controlling them, and they can plant thoughts into your head. Healing fairies can heal physical and emotional pain. I'm an Elemental fairy. I can control the elements and I have a small amount of control over nature. For example, I can make flowers bloom or make saplings turn into trees in under a minute. The Immaculate are the spitting image of purity. Their power flows from their pure souls, a blinding white light which can kill a Dark One in an instant. The Immaculate are the only reason why the fairy realm is still here today. For centuries the Immaculate have kept the Dark Ones at bay, should their power weaken, the fairy realm would be lost, smothered in a black oblivion, and there would be no survivors.

I stretched my iridescent wings and took flight. I soared through the air, feeling lighter than a feather. Flying has always calmed me, released me from my worries, even if it was only for a little while.

After flying for about twenty minutes, I landed in a small clearing on the edge of the fairy realm. I sat down on the bank of a small lake and looked at my murky reflection on the surface. I often came here to think, mainly because it's always quiet and peaceful because the town is miles away. I let my mind wander as I drew swirls in the dirt with my finger.

A little while later, I stood in the centrer of the clearing. I unfurled my purple and blue wings, preparing to take off. Suddenly, I heard a loud boom, causing the ground to shake and I faltered, tripping over. I felt the impending doom that was surely just around the corner.

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