Chapter 19: Why Don't We Go There

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'Fuck. FUCK. FUCK!' Hardin struggled to find something--anything to say in response. How had he forgotten her birthday? How had she forgotten her own birthday? "And you don't have any plans?"

Tessa shook her head. "Nothing."

"Well then." A smirk suddenly spread across the boy's face. "We have to make plans IMMEDIATELY." Making the shape of a telephone with his fingers, Hardin adopted a terrible French accent. "Do not worry, Madame. I am here to ensure you have the best birthday ever. Yes--hello? We need twenty bottles of champagne and your most expensive array of diamonds, right away!"

She watched him sprint around the room comically while talking in that ridiculous voice, all to make her laugh. It was working. When she doubled over in laughter, she had to gasp for breath in order to ask him to stop.

Smiling just because she was smiling, Hardin finally dropped the routine. "Alright then. What is it you really want for your birthday, love?" She deserved the world, and he would do whatever it took in order to give it to her.

"Hm. I never make a big deal out of it." She mumbled, pulling her hair into a messy bun. "I'd honestly just love to hang out and read a book."

"No diamonds or champagne?"

Tessa shrugged, looking longingly at her packed bookshelf.

"That does sound nice, but honestly, fuck that. You can do that any other day. Let me treat you like a princess tonight." Taking out his cellphone, he began to type frantically on the screen. "I'm planning something for you as we speak. You can sit around and read your books for a couple hours, but later, get dressed up and I'll come get you. Sound good?"

Already curled up on the sofa, hiding her growing grin behind the pages of a new novel, Tessa agreed.

Just a few hours later, when the winter sun began to set and a light dusting of snow began to fall, Hardin returned to Tessa's apartment.

He arrived at her door in an Uber Black, wearing a borrowed suit that was a little too large at his shoulders. Tessa thought back to the limo that had picked her up when she had dinner with Luke, and she was certain that she would rather be picked up on a bicycle and go to McDonalds with Hardin any day.

"You look nice." She said, taking his outstretched hand as he led her to the car through the drifting snow.

"And I see you one-upped me, as always." He threw her a sly wink, raking his eyes up and down her body. Her long red dress clung suggestively to her curves, splitting at the side to reveal her long legs and matching red heels. A long cream coat shielded her shoulders from the frigid air. Handing her a bouquet of red roses, he kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. "Happy birthday, Tessa."

"Thank you." She blushed, her cheeks quickly becoming the same color as her outfit. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

It wasn't long before the car pulled up to a large hotel in the center of downtown. Hardin took the arm of the woman he loved, leading her proudly through the double doors and up the elevator. They stepped out onto an expansive rooftop restaurant that overlooked the glittering lights of the city.

"Wow." Tessa gripped the coat around her chest as a gentle wind whipped at her freshly curled hair.

"The heat lamps are pretty warm, but you can always have my suit jacket if you need it." He watched her step towards the railing, analyzing her face to see if she was pleased or not. "Sorry if it's not what you imagined."

Turning towards her date, Tessa smiled. "It's perfect." She kissed him sweetly before a hostess guided them to a private table under a cabana. She took in the unobstructed view of the sunset, only looking away to glance at the menu. "Thank God I can pronounce all of the foods on here. They even have my favorite--pizza!" She grabbed his hand from across the table, rubbing a thumb over his skin. "For a second I was worried you'd take me to an extremely fancy place that serves olives on everything.'

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