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To say Frisk's journey throughout the underground was a challenge would be a complete understatement.

After braving their way through murderous monsters, deadly traps, and terrible landscapes, they had finally reached a large hallway which they had assumed was close to the end of their journey  without harming a single monster despite their flowery companion, Flowey, constantly reassuring that it wouldn't ever work out.

If they were the type to toot their own horn, they would be rather pleased with themselves. They proceeded to "SAVE" at the nearby "SAVE Point" before continuing, holding a flower pot containing the feisty plant.

"I have to say, Frisk..." Flowey spoke up, interrupting their walk through the corridor. "I didn't think we would EVER get this far, considering how you acted to the monsters." He closed his eyes in thought, before opening them and smiling a bit. "Guess you proved me wrong, huh?"

Frisk smiled themself. They had a feeling that eventually, their flower pal would have come around to their way of thinking.

"Although..." His smile turned into a frown. "...The King will be unlike any other monster we've faced yet. I don't think you'll be able to..."

Frisk interrupted Flowey, quietly affirming that no matter how hard it would be, they would not give up trying to do what was right.

The flower sighed. "If you say the very least, there's nothing stopping us now." Flowey perked up a bit, smiling again. "Yeah! This corridor leads to the Throne Room after all. All we need to do is keep going and soon we'll be face-to-face with--"


Flowey immediately stopped talking, recognizing the voice and his face slipping into a scowl.

Frisk stopped in their tracks. Somehow, from seemingly nowhere, a shadowy figure had appeared and was now several feet in front of them, staring them down.

*'re a pretty stupid kid, huh?

Frisk had already dealt with far more vulgar and frequent insults before, so this one only  marginally affected them. Although they barely could discern its features, the furry coat and gold tooth shine had been enough to give away the mysterious monster to them.


He had disappeared sometime after their battle and subsequent befriending of Papyrus: The hot-headed second-in-command of the Royal Guard and, more importantly, brother to Sans. During their journey, they had first assumed that he had just gone back home to laze around, but several phone calls with Papyrus had confirmed he hadn't been home for a while, and even hadn't been seen since that event at the bridge.

Flowey, of course, didn't seem upset over this strange event and responded with enthusiasm.

"Hah! The less we have to see of that Smiley Trashbag, the better."

Frisk responded to this with a light scolding, saying that it's not nice to call people rude names like that.

"Trust me here, Frisk. You do not want to encounter him." His face had sunk into a nervous scowl. "Believe me, I know from experience..."

Frisk tried to inquire about this knowledge, but was met with complete refusal to share until they eventually dropped it and continued on their way.

By the time they had made it to the CORE, they had completely forgotten about Sans...until now.

*dunno if you noticed or not, numbskull, but everyone's been 'kinda' tryin' to kill you for the past several hours.

"Wow, really? We hadn't noticed! It's not like we went through the entire Underground having to deal with threats the ENTIRE TI--" Flowey had started complaining, but was quickly shut up when Frisk put their palm to his mouth before removing it soon after, getting the message across to be quiet and causing him to start mumbling indiscernible insults.

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