informed (as a cub)

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disclaimer I do not own lion guard all rights go to Disney and mspgirl8 
(y/n)=your name
(n/n)kovu's, Kiara's, Kion's and Vitani's nickname for you
(b/d)=birthday day and month
(y/a)= your age
(M/n) mom name
?= alive or deceased

(y/n): example belle

family:(m/n)(mother;?) scar (father; deceased) zira(adoptive mom; alive,) Nuka(half older brother; alive) Vitani (half older sister; alive) kovu (half twin brother; alive)

nickname: one of the chosen one, little termite,(Nuka) little lass (Zira) (n/n) (Kovu, Kiara, Kion and Vitani ) scar's daughter (Simba) kid(Timon and Pumba) blue eyes (Jasiri)

(b/d): example 29 September 2007

gender: female

age: example 13

eye color: icy blue

fur color: durty tan

friends: Kovu, Vitani, Kiara, Kion

while (y/n) may come off like she is cold-hearted/uncaring and vicious she is unbelieving witty, and with her serious manner and her calm face you would not suspect her Witt she is so subtle the only people that can get her to stand down from a battle of Witt is authorities which she respects to much to have a battle of Witt when told not to. however she is a whole other person when with those she calls friends she is loyal and very smart, she supports her friends and is very mischievous, she is noble, kind, caring and protective. she is affectionate, fun-loving and cheerful. and she will always be sly, tomboyish, sarcastic, subtle and brave as that is who she is and that will always shine thru.

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