-chapter 15-

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Draco walks up to Harry, "if you ever put your hands on my girlfriend again, I swear to go pottah" Draco says. You roll your eyes and grab his hand, "Draco it's fine, let's go get something to eat" you say pulling on his arm. He starts walking with you, "Draco I want you to know what I would never leave you, there is no need to be jealous my love" you say looking up at him. He looks down and smiles, "I know I just don't want to loose you" he says taking your hand. You slip on your shorts, and walk with Draco to go get something to eat. You guys get ice cream, you find a table to sit down at. You eat the ice cream as you notice Draco staring at you, "see something you like Malfoy?" You snarl taking ice cream and rubbing it on his nose. He laughs, taking a napkin and wiping it off. "How did I get so lucky?" He laughs pulling you in for a kiss. "Can we go back home and cuddle?" Draco says with puppy dog eyes, "fine fine" you say grabbing his hand and standing up. You all head back to the car and drive back to Hogwarts, Draco picks you and and sets you on the bed with him, he pulls you close into his arms. "I love you Draco" you say into his chest. "I love you more" he says. you lay in Draco's arms as he plays with your hair, braiding it and unbraiding it. You slowly drift off to sleep, but Draco kisses your forehead and now you were awake. You looked up and saw he had his attention turned towards the tv, you turn your attention there as well. Draco looks down and sees you looking at the tv and smiles, he kisses your lips lightly and then pulls away. He leans his head back on his pillow and then pulls you up closer to him, he wraps his arms around you tightly as you both watched the tv. Draco's heartbeat was in the background of the tv since you were laying on his chest, hearing his heartbeat made you feel safe and comfortable. You start playing with Draco's rings, twirling them back and forth, slipping them up and down. He always loved when you did that, you feel a smile hit his face which made you smile too. You then both hear a knock at the door.

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