Chapter 14

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There was an eerie silence in the meeting room. All of the active members of his clan was there. Each one of them having the same question. Emergency meetings were not uncommon. But the rush and anger everyone heard in Noah's voice told them it was important. The room was crowded with his men. Though gangsters they all had respect and loyalty towards Richard. He had always been keen to solve any problems they had. The immense power he had made it all possible.  He was the invincible man but today his only reason for happiness was fighting for her life.
Ric entered the meeting room with powerful steps. Everyone could see Ric’s shirt and hands were bloodied with his eyes blood shot red. One couldn’t guess what was the reason.

“ I see you all have questions. So I’ll directly get to the point. Someone shot bullets at me in the gala. Total seven rounds were fired. The shooter missed five times in hurry but got two bullets at the mark. So you must’ve guessed it wasn’t me who got shot. It was a person bloody important to me. We have one of the four men who were there in our custody. We’ll interrogate him soon. Prepare yourself we’ll be going to war very soon, who ever did that needs to be taught a lesson. Andrew?”

“Yes boss.”

“ I want the CCTV footage of the venue and everything in one hour. Destroy it after you get it. Go. Jasmine?”

“Yes sir.”

“ I want you to handle Amara’s parents. Tell them some stories. I don’t want them creating unnecessary problems. But don’t harm them. They are not to be harmed. Got it??”

“ Very well sir.”

“ Chris, Michael, Robert and Ben, you guys will guard the person who took the bullet for me. No one will get inside her room without you guys. It doesn’t matter who he or she is. I want to know each and everything about it. A single scratch on the person and you  all are dead.”

“Yes Boss.”

“ And rest of you, I want you guys to be on alert. No one gets in this mansion without my permission. And no one gets out. I need you all to get every information you can about the CONNECTICUT CLAN. I have a feeling they are behind this. And if they are I’ll bloody wipe them out of this earth.”

“And Sarah what’s your blood group?”

“ Its O- sir.”

“Good. I want you to be present in this house for the next 48 hours. The person also had the same blood group.”

Ric stood up and went straight to medical wing of the mansion. It was the most difficult task for him to do. But he has to make sure no one saw the footage and what not. One careful look and everyone will know what she meant for him. She still loved her the same as he did her. He knew the bullet was still inside her. Even after four years she still took bullets for him. No one can love him like her. In his way to the operation theater he saw the statue of Jesus Christ. He had stopped praying the day he was forced leave her. Before he knew he was standing in front of the statue.

“You have to save her. Are you listening to me? you have to save her. She’ll  have to live. If you want the betterment of your other children, she’ll have to live. I’ll make this world a living example of hell if anything happens to her. Do you UNDERSTAND?? Save my Amara. Dear lord, save her. She had never hurt anybody. She always help you poor children. She has a heart of gold. Save her. Take my life. Let her live. Let her live.”

Ric was sobbing as he prayed on his knees. He had never loved anyone the way he loves her. Only Amara has the power to bring him on his knees.
Noah stood at the entrance as he  watched  Ric praying for Amara. He never understood why he loved her so much. Now he knew why. She loves him more than he loves her. So much that she could die for him. Noah cleared his throat making him aware of his presence.

Ric knew Noah was standing there the moment he arrived. He stood up and went towards the place where his Amara was. Everyone stopped their talks as they saw him. The doctors and nurses came out of the operation room just a moment later.

“How’s she doctor?”

“Ric, thankfully you brought her here at the right time. She had a severe blood loss. But luckily the bullet went from below her heart. Congratulations son, she’ll be fine. She is now anesthetized. Just make sure she is on bed rest for the next week. It’ll take time for the wounds to heal.”

Richard couldn’t stop himself from hugging the doctor. He saved her life more likely his life.

“Thank you doctor. Thank you so much.”

“You are acting as if she was family, baby. She’s just our wedding designer.”

“ Leah keep your mouth shut.”

“ Doc, will it be fine for her if I shift her to any room?”

“Sure. But let her be in here for two days. It’ll be easy to monitor her. The next 48 hours are crucial.”


“Can I see her?”

“You can. But she’s heavily on morphine”

As he entered the room , he watched her plastered on the bed. Nothing could stop the pain he felt seeing her so lifeless. Anything he did was always to ensure her safety. He couldn’t stop but feel responsible for the state of hers. She took bullets meant for him. God forbid if anything had happened to her, he was sure he would’ve killed everyone.

Brushing off the strands of hairs from her face, he kissed her forehead.  In the last four years he never felt the peace he was feeling now. His Amara was safe with him. He had her with him. Though only for a week or two he had her. Richard smiled as he started singing the song which always brought her happiness.


“How the fuck he wasn’t killed?”

“Sir, none of our men returned. We don’t know what happened.”

“Fucking Richard Black happened. Go get the CCTV footage.”

“Boss, there was no footage. Seems someone deleted it before we could access it.”

“Deleted the footage.”

“Yes boss.”

“ Something must’ve happened there which the famous Black doesn’t want anyone to see. Looks like Christmas arrived early.”

His laughter boomed everywhere. The Black were unaware about the storm that’ll hit them.


"Some love stories aren't epic novels. Some are short stories. But that doesn't make them any less filled with love."
       - Sex and the city.

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