the one where dick Grayson gets hurt pt 1

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Gotham was a hell hole, the rich were ignorant, the poor were dying and there was a villain attack every week. 

Nobody necessarily enjoyed being there, the entire city was unwelcoming and cold. The air was stale and wet as dick walked through the streets, the pollution leaving a sour taste in his mouth. He didn't know how anyone could stand to live here, sure the promise of billionaires and vigilantes seems appealing but if you aren't rich then you'll probably end up in crime alley or somewhere nearby. 

The streets were loud with cars filling the road and people filling the pavement, just like usual. The full plastic bags in dicks hands weighed him down and made him slower, the perfect target for pickpockets.

He was only five minutes away from his apartment building when a gloved purple hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him into an alleyway and against a boney, slender chest. A haunting familiar laugh filled with joy, malice and insanity was all he could hear as hand covered his mouth and nose, forcing him into sweet, dangerous unconsciousness.

Little did they know, another familiar figure was watching from a very well kept apartment window. A figure that just so happened to be polishing a very familiar helmet. 

When dick awoke, he was tied to a ceiling in a dark room. The floor was covered in blood, dirt and god knows what else. The walls were covered in paper but they were too far for dick to read. In the corner of the room there was a table covered in a grey sheet. 

As dick started to struggle, the laughter started again and a man walked out from the shadows. Bright green hair, a dark purple suit and a very big smile; A man who was supposed to be locked up. 

"Well, don't you have anything to say to your uncle j? Not one 'hi' or 'how are you'? I'm sure bats raised you better than that. Your brother was much more polite"

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