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Life was normal. Life was fine. Everything was happy until that day. Fire rained from the sky, the earth shook like thunder, hail pelted the weak, orphans ran around like flies, militaries disintegrated, world leaders gave up, no one was safe from the terror. In this new world, if you survived, you were lucky, that was it. The earth ravaged for weeks, months, time no longer mattered, until suddenly, there was nothing but ash. Gray flakes consumed the air, covering every surface and making it smell sickly of campfire, choking any living being unlucky enough to have survived. One of those survivors was Dream.

Before the chaos, Dream had been a normal college student majoring in computer science and one of the world martial arts champions. Now, none of those skills mattered. If anything, they just drained him of hope as he realized how little time he had left to live. He emerged from the rubble, bloody and broken. He wandered the wasteland with nothing else to do. He had no plan, no ideas, no nothing. He was lost. He walked for miles with no direction, giving no thought as he treaded over glass and corpses.

At one point he heard a sound, the movement of stone and charred wood. Probably just a collapsed building finally setting. He continued until he heard a breath clinging desperately to life. Without a thought or care he wandered to the sound, stifling any flashes of hope. He glanced at the rubble to find a hand that had yet to turn pale. He poked it.

"Help!" Came a scratchy, failing voice. With nothing else to do and those annoying flashes of hope breaching his subconscious, he started pulling. He shoved bricks and planks and glass out of the way, leaving his hands even worse than before. But what he found was a person. A person without his left leg. They looked at each other in shock, the first life either of them had seen in a long time. It took a while for Dream to recognize the life in front of him, when his memory suddenly returned.

"Technoblade." He stated. He knew this man, he knew him fairly well. Before everything happened, Techno was a fellow champion of worldwide martial arts. And his bitter rival. But none of that mattered any more. Their long screaming matches, their constant one upping of each other, the online battles that raged between fans of the two, all of that was a distant memory from a world long dead. So instead of insulting him, instead of spitting on him, or leaving him to die, Dream stretched out his hand.

Techno took it, too exhausted to smile at the gesture, and Dream helped him up, allowing the one legged man to droop on his shoulder. And Dream was once again lost. He had preformed a good deed, had saved his former rival, but what now? They were still surrounded by ash and decay, still hopeless and alone, still on death's doorstep. They stood there in silence.

"So are we going to keep going?" Techno finally asked, panting on Dream's shoulder.

Dream looked at him in shock. "We aren't going to find anything."

"I'd rather try than just stand here, you went through all the trouble to stand me up already." Techno acted like there wasn't any choice. Like the only option they had was to try and survive, even though they could both keel over at any moment. With nothing to protest, Dream complied, helping Techno hobble forward.

They shuffled forward slowly until the sun set behind the smoke, still nothing in sight. They kept going until they found a patch of ground seeming free of glass and concrete. Dream collapsed, dehydrated and starving, bringing Techno along with him. They slept entangled, neither of them able to move.

Dream woke up feeling awful, but that was nothing new. For a while he stared at the sky, which had slowly turned a bit more orange since he woke up. Techno was asleep for so long that Dream decided he was already dead. Luckily, Techno roused just in time.

The two continued on their fruitless journey when Dream suddenly heard a light trickle. His eyes lit up, finally allowing hope to graze his mind. He turned wildly, hoping to pinpoint the direction, then dragged Techno with him as he rushed to the source. The sound ended up being little more than dirty drizzle running down concrete blocks, but it was water. The two boys just about bowed before their savior as they took turns lapping up from the oasis. The bitter taste burned Dream's throat, but it was angelic.

"We did it!" Techno cried, still drinking. "We're going to live another day!"

Dream allowed himself a chuckle, the sound of which he had nearly forgotten. He would have never found this without Techno, he would never have lived this long. He might have started sobbing if water wasn't such a sacred resource.

They spent the rest of the day by their spring, satisfying their deepest wishes as they filled up to their heart's content. Nothing truly changed, the toxic air, the dying world, the cancers they likely both had, but what they did have was each other.

Dream laid his head on Techno as the sun set once again. "Next step, find food." He said.

He could feel the crippled man smile at him as years of hatred washed away with the filthy little stream of water they shared. The dead world had sprouted a new friendship from the ashes, and that friendship would never die, even when they did.

Dreamnoblade one shots for funsiesWhere stories live. Discover now