
197 6 4

Felix: and?

Ted: *cri*

Ozzy: *comforting Ted*

Feli: *smiling at a crying Ted* :)

Lily: *A N G R Y*

Billy: 0-0



Ron: Like they say, "Some risk are worth taking, when chaos can happen."

Cindy: No one has ever said that. Like ever.

Kid: I've said it a few times.

Cindy: hush-

Alice: *placing down the box* here you are.

Penny: *reading a few of the potions*

Billy: No, no, no! You don't read them! you pick them at random remember?

Penny: I'm just taking out the one's that could kill some one.

Monty: Some of them are deadly? Good grief....

Carla: Wait, we're actually doing this?

Billy: Duh, why wouldn't we.

Ted: Well things could get chaotic...

Jerome: That's the point. 

Ted: Oh.....

//Can some of you guys give me potion ideas... I ain't creative-//

//But I do have a few ideas...//

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