Chapter Four

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       "You were gone all night, Jah'Gar."

       Raug was leaned back with his feet kicked up on the table. He focused on the raptor claw while meticulously drilling a hole at its base, not bothering to look at the Cat who took a seat opposite of him.

       Jah'Gar's wide shoulders slouched forward and he rested burly forearms on his knees. He had a massive scar over his left eye, which was a milky color. One of his ears was missing a large chunk as well.

       "Yes,my Chief. It was a long walk." His voice was distorted, deeper than most Cats'. It hadn't sounded right after being viciously struck in the throat during a fight with another feline in the camp.

       "You missed the Skinning. Must have been quite the journey."

       "We've exhausted the food in the area. All that is left are rodents, and occasionally a traveler on the road. It will not be enough to sustain the Children."

       Raug blew out the hole he was working on.

       "Until we locate a suitable place, they will just have to eat rodents."

       "I believe I have found just such a place, my chief. It is a long journey, but it is a Saurian village."

       "How are the defenses?"

       "I watched the walls for hours. The guards are lax in their patrols. The gatekeeper snores so loudly I had no problems scaling the wall and inspecting the gate. It has a few deadbolts, but nothing to reinforce it. They could brace it with ties, but the wood is too thin to withstand a battering ram."


       "None that I saw."

       Raug was silent as he calculated. "How is the lay of the land?"

       "The village is nestled within a dense pine forest. There are farms scattered around the area with herds of Iguanodon, but if we hit them first, the village would have no warning. We could be upon them before they knew we were there. The only water source I found outside the walls is a small spring. There's probably a well in the village."

       "And they have no soldiers to protect them." Raug finished the hole,and tapped his chin with it as he mused. He liked the odds. The place had no trained fighters. It offered walls for protection,water, and food. The Iguanodon were large herbivores, so they would provide great quantities of food. By the time any patrols found the place his Cats would be long gone, having stripped the area of life.

       "Jah'Gar,my fine Child. Once again, you've proven to be an invaluable tool. I can't think of a single time you've ever failed me."

       "If you could, I would be dead, my Chief."

       Raug's eyes narrowed.

       "Be that as it may, there is still the issue of you missing the ceremony last night."

       "I was not aware you needed—"

       Raug came to his feet, and flung the claw.

       "I am Raug the Skinner!" he roared. "I do not need anything!"

       Jah'Gar blinked slowly, not a trace of tension in his relaxed posture. By the way his tone changed, however, he was chastened.

       "I have many strengths. Words are not one of them, and this fool would ask you to forgive his impetuousness, my Chief."

       Raug slowly relaxed.

       "When you take the time to think about them, you do quite well. I didn't tell you to be at the Skinning, this much is true. But it is a sacred thing. The Children must not think that they can just do whatever they want. Order must be maintained."

       Jah'Gar nodded. He knew where this was leading.

       "You will report to the fire pit at once and receive ten lashes."

       "Yes,my chief."

       Raug gestured in the general direction of the holding pen. "After that,get some food in your belly. You can take the hatchling raptor."

       Jah'Garrose. "I understand."

       "Excellent. Now get out of my sight, cur."

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