Chapter Five

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      Trouble had a strange way of finding Zaar Blackhide when he least expected it. First, Jekka had startled him out of bed and nearly gotten her skull bashed in with a table. Now, he had another problem.

       The morning had been going well enough. They'd been eating. Jekka was rambling on about her brother. Apparently they were twins born out of the same egg, a very rare occurrence that was regarded as a good omen in the village. Their parents had decided before the egg hatched that if it was a male, they would call it Jek, and if it was female, Jekka.

       "Imagine their surprise when the big day came and they saw not one, but two little snouts peeping out of the shell," Jekka said around a mouthful of Iguanodon steak. Zaar was noticing more and more as she relaxed around him that she was not a dainty little thing with good table manners. When she sat her ale down a little too hard and some of it sloshed out, she was quick to mop it off the table with a piece of the steak and stuff it into her mouth. All without missing a beat.

       Normally, Zaar would find himself irritated with so much chatter. But Jekka was cut from a different cloth than the females in his past. He found himself studying her, trying to figure out what it was about her that stood out.

       "...the Stripetails have lived here since the founding of the village, four generations back," Jekka was saying.


       "That's our family name."

       She pointed at herself, then over her shoulder at Jek, who was busy rummaging under the bar for something he couldn't seem to find. Then, looking around to make sure no one was watching, she scooted sideways in her chair and hitched her dress up enough that Zaar could see her tail. It was striped indeed. And sleek. Zaar was surprised a female would show someone her tail as nonchalantly as Jekka was doing.

       It was then that he knew what it was about her. She didn't try to be someone she wasn't. She wasn't trying to manipulate him with her looks. And she was witty and smart.

      Maybe a little too smart. He remembered the observations she'd made earlier. If she tried, she would find the meaning behind those scars. And Zaar wasn't sure she would like what she found.

       "Hellooo?" Jekka was waving her claws in his face. "Did you even hear me? Or were you too busy gawking at my tail?"

       Zaar focused his gaze back on her. She'd put her tail away, and he had been sitting there glassy eyed.

       "You caught me." He put on what he hoped was a sheepish smile.

       "If that's the way you smile at all the females, I bet they run away screaming."

       "What do you mean?"

       "Your smile looks like someone having a difficult bowel movement. You should definitely stick to the strong, serious look."

       They both laughed.

       It was right at that moment a tall raptor came through the tavern door. He wore a crisp V-necked shirt, with an equally fine looking pair of pants. A beaded chord was around his neck.

       Jekka's laugh froze in her throat.

       "Oh,no..." she groaned.

       Zaar followed her gaze to the newcomer. "Hello," he muttered. "Who is that? He looks...fancy. Might have to mug him tonight."

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