T O R N//d. malfoy

36 3 2

in which,
a hidden fantasy can no longer be kept, and secrets are brought to life, but will the dark be too much to overcome or can the two fight through?

Prompt for 'T O R N':

Trapped in a society where blood purity still has a hold on a person's worth, two teenagers find themselves in tight predicament. She was only meant to be a quick minute, someone to pass his time with but never to present by his side. He was the one she never thought she could have, so she took what attention she could and would be happy with it. Then attachments began to form, and the two slipped up. Now, at the age of seventeen and sixteen, two teenagers are going to have to mature as they have a child on the way, but...
With the new found pregnancy, comes repercussions for their actions. Why?

Because Draco Malfoy is a pureblood, born to one of the last Sacred Families.

Amora Snow Winters, on the other hand, is nothing but lowly mudblood...

T O R N//D. MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now