I. The First SnowFall

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The sound of footsteps echoed in the Great Hall. Adjusting her tie, Amora made her way over to her House table. The scent of pastries and pumpkin spice led easily into the aesthetic of fall, and while Amora adored fall, she patiently waited for winter to arrive. Slowly getting lost within her thoughts, the teen hummed to herself as she fumbled with her bag. Amora was in her fifth year at Hogwarts with two more to go. From her first moment stepping onto the Hogwarts train, Amora had never been happier. Placed into the Hufflepuff House, she quickly felt at home despite her loving family being miles and miles away.

"Winters," Benny smiled. Tilting her head up as she sat down on the bench, Amora reached over to hug the Ravenclaw boy. Benjamin Hedlings had been the first friend Amora had made at Hogwarts, and despite being in separate Houses, that did not stop them for being close, hence why he sat at Hufflepuff table.

"Bonny. How are you?" Amora hummed, reaching for a platter of fruit and a piece of toast. The brunette sighed dramatically and took a grape off of his friend's plate, ignoring her pout.

"Zabini from Slytherin was giving me mouth. On top of that, he insulted Damian and Kai." Benny raked a hand through his hair, exhausted. Amora felt bad for him. Damian was Benny's little brother, and there was nothing Benny wouldn't do to protect Damian. Kai, on the other hand, Benny would do the same for but for different reasons. Five years, those two boys had been hiding the truth, and Amora didn't believe either would admit it either. But it wasn't any of her business, so she paid no attention to the situation.

"How are they doing?" She asked, popping a strawberry in her mouth. Benny shrugged.

"They didn't let his words get to them, but I can't say the same." At his words, Benny glared at the Slytherin table. Out of reflex, Amora glanced over as well. A mop of white hair hung low as other heads, including close shaved dark haired Zabini, surrounded it.

"Staring at Malfoy again?" Amora slowly removed her eyes and gently smacked the boy on his curls. "Shut up," She mumbled. Benjamin rolled his eyes.

"He's bad luck, Winters. You know this. Why can't you pick a normal person to lust after?" He reached for a platter of eggs and wagged his finger at the girl. Benny knew Amora better than anyone else at Hogwarts. For five years, they had been by each other's side. There was nothing that he would not do for that girl. That being said, he noticed little things that went unnoticed by others. Like how Amora was playing with her sleeve when she glanced at the Malfoy heir across the hall. How her attention on him lasted for less than a second before she flicked it away. To call Amora Winters shy would be an understatement. Over the years, Benny never once witnessed Amora be in an relationship. Sure, she had crushes. But never had she actually been asked out. Benny wasn't even sure if she had her first kiss yet. He wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't. Amora was too frail for a losing teenage relationship. She was like a flower in a meadow, picked at its peak, but sure to wilt in the wrong hands. A snowflake floating on the air, but quick to dissolve on contact. There would be no way she would survive if Malfoy managed to get his hands on her, Benny honestly believed.

"I'm not lusting over him, you jerk." Amora tugged her sweater over her hands. "Can't I merely look over at a group of people without being hassled?"

"Apparently not," Ramona Weeks, a fellow Hufflepuff in Amora's year sat down beside the two. "How are we talking about?"

"No one," both Benny and Amora hummed.

Ramona sighed dramatically. Ramona Weeks had to be the Hufflepuff equivalent of the Weasley Twins. She was full of gossip and energy. To defend others against wrong had become her life mission, but the ways she went about those methods was rather... unique. Honestly, it was quite a shock that Ramona had been placed in Hufflepuff versus another House, in Amora's opinion.

"Fine. Keep your secret chats to yourselves. I guess I will suffer in indifference."

Benny snorted at Ramona's words, and Amora shook her head.

"It isn't a secret. Bonny is a loser like normal is all." Before she could finish the sentence, Benny had wap her on the head. The curly brunette before them laughed, drawing the attention of others to their tables. The sudden jar to Amora's body caused her to spill the pumpkin soup she had just poured onto the table and her lap. Amora gasped at the lukewarm liquid staining her clothes.

"Oh my god," Benny snickered as he reached for napkins. Amora attempted to glare at the boy, but couldn't find it in herself to be angry. Instead, soft giggles slowly left her lips, and before they knew it, the three were all in cackles. Professors and other students began to stare, and the trio took that as their queue to leave, as if Amora being covered in soup was not enough. The group stood, Benny taking Amora's books and Ramona took her bag. Amora herself was still attempting to dab at the growing stain on her skirt.

"Alright, Princess. Let's move it along, before McGonagall eats us alive for causing a scene." Benny bumped shoulders with Ramona, and the three moved on. Preoccupied with her skirt, Amora fell behind as she held her held low to focus on her task, but the hairs on the back of her neck rose. She peaked through a curtain of honey brown, blonde hair and met the gaze of cold stone. Her attention went back to the ground as the muscles in her back tensed.

"Winters." He tilted his head in her direction. A slight blush grew on her pale cheeks, and Malfoy fought to hide a slight smirk. The Slytherin Prince knew what he was doing. So did she, but yet, she didn't stop him.

Amora shook the memory away and followed her friends out the Great Hall. Walking past the arches and through the open garden, the chill seeped into her skin. The sky was a nice, gentle blue with white cotton spreading across it like ink on the sea. Her nose twitched at the weather scratching at it, and Amora could not wait to be back in her corridors. Hurrying to catch up to her friends, the girl dropped her hold on her skirt and quickened her pace.

December was fast approaching, and as the first snowflake fell onto a curled eyelash, Amora smiled.

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