15- With Ice

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I have a free period and Jack is in a lesson so I am going to spend this time revising- since gaining my newly founded social life I have been lacking in doing any revision, I have no clue when Jack manages to get it done but knowing him he probably doesn't. One of the things I am jealous of, Jack gets the good grades with lack of effort or trying, I guess he is just one of life's lucky people I mean all you have to do is look at the walking greek god to understand that he is one of life's lucky people.

I almost make it to the library but just as I turn the corridor I am unlucky enough to bump into Clara and Sean. But not just bump into meaning seeing them across the hallway, I literally bumped right into them making me drop all my revision on the floor- I am starting to feel extremely exposed without Jack being here, I have made myself pretty depended on him and it's not good for me or the fact that I have feelings for him in the way I shouldn't have feelings for him. He is my friend and nothing more.

"Oh hey Emily, where's the good looking bodyguard today?" Clara says with a sickly sweet smile on her face but if the look in her eyes could kill I would be laying here dead in the corridor. Sean is leaning against the wall looking down at me while I scramble to get all the notes together.

"Erm he's in a lesson," I tell her once I get all my stuff in a pile, I go to walk past them but Sean steps out in front of me.

"Where you going? I thought we could talk about how that bodyguard you follow around like a lost little puppy keeps losing his shit and trying to attack me." Okay breathe Emily and count in your head, you can calm yourself down- stop being scared of this they can't control you.

"Do you think now you have a few mates that you all of a sudden better than us? They'll be sick of you soon- I guarantee it." They both laugh at me, I can't understand why they hate me so much. "Just watch your back yeah?" They leave me standing there in my own anxiousness and I have to fight to keep the tears from spilling down my face as my eyes well up, because as much as I hate to think about it, something in the back of my mind thinks the same. That they will get bored of me and then I'll be back to how I was before. Alone.


"Emily!" Jack shouts making me turn around and he is wearing his football kit and is sweaty- sweet holy Jesus, no Emily! I shake my head and pull myself together. "Do you want me to drop you home?" Jack asks stopping and leaning against the fence towards me, some strands of his hair stuck to his forehead from sweat.

"No you stay and finish your game I can get the bus," I shout back so he can hear me.

"Are you sure I don't mind, honestly."

"No it's fine!" I shout back and start backing away.

"Okay, well text me when you get home. And I'll see you later- you're coming to Harry's brother's house right?" he asks.

"Will do and yeah I am, see you later." I say and start to walk back. I originally didn't think that it was an amazing idea to go considering that Freddie hasn't fully come to terms with what happened to his parents and mixing alcohol with that may not be the best thing in the world. But Freddie being Freddie instead on going tonight and if he's okay then I'm okay.

The bus is so packed- its weird usually this wouldn't effect me but I haven't been on one in so long its odd and just feels over crowded. I may need to think about getting my licence. Freddie didn't go into college today, he said it's because he can't be bothered but I know deep down he is still upset and angry about what happened but he is refusing to admit that but I think he is more trying to convince himself than me.

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