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Recombinant Resurgence.

Recombinant: (adjective) Genetic material formed by recombination.

Resurgence: (noun) An increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence.

Lola shot up in bed. Sweat drenches her body as she shivers in the cold air.
She looks over at the open window, but she can't seem to focus on her surroundings.
She looks down in her lap and rubs her temples with both of her hands.

Her mind is a whirl of thoughts and ideas.

"I think I just had a scientific break though," Lola gasps as she processes everything she saw in her dream.

Lola jumps out of bed and dashes into her closet.
She throws on some jeans and a plan black top.

She grabs a pair of sneakers and charges down the stairs.

She grabs her keys and jumps into her car.

Once the engine comes to life she speeds out of her house and down the road towards the lab.

She doesn't care that it's two in the morning and that everyone is in bed and asleep.

Lola speeds down the road.

She slams on her breaks when she gets to a red light.

"Are you kidding me!!! There's no one around!!! Why is the light red!" Lola yells.

The light turns green and Lola slams her foot down on the gas.

She pulls sloppily into the empty parking lot of her laboratory.

She gets out of her car and dashes into the building, using her employee key card to unlock it.

She dashes up the polished steps taking them two at a time.

When she gets to her lab she grabs her clean lab coat and throws it on.

She puts googles on and washes her hands before applying gloves.

Once all her safety gear is on she enters the lab.

She walks over to her capsule and looks inside it.

"To make the skin more natural all I need to do is apply a sample," Lola smiles.

She looks down at her arms and sighs, she doesn't want to add her own sample into the machine but she doesn't have any live test subjects in the lab.

Lola grabs a scalpel and lightly carves off the top layer of her skin.

When she's got a good strip she looks down at her arm. She didn't cut deep enough to bleed.

She sets the sample down on a medical tray.
Then she walks back over to the machine and opens up a compartment.

She pulls out a tube of blue liquid.

She opens the tube and places the skin inside.

The skin sizzles and melts, dissolving into the liquid.

Lola scrunches her nose at the smell.
She quickly puts the cap back on and places the tube back in the machine.

Once the machine is ready to go she walks over to the frog samples that she and Jane worked on yesterday.

She knows they aren't supposed to be ready for a month but she decides to check one of the samples that she put an extra dose of the regeneration liquid in.

She takes a syringe and sucks up some of the sample.

She places it down on a glass tray and places another piece of glass over it.

She sets up her microscope and places the sample underneath it.

When she looks inside she squeals.

"Yes! Yes!!!" Lola cheers as she claps her hands and jumps up and down.

She can see the slightest revival of the genetic cells.

She takes another look and notices the bacteria moving around.

"This is perfect," Lola smiles as she takes the sample out from underneath the lens of the microscope.

Lola knows the sample needs a little bit more time but she wants to test it with her machine to see if she can get any results.

Lola takes the syringe with the sample in it and pours it into a slot in the machine.

She turns the machine on and presses start.

She stands back and watches as the machine begins to work on recreating a new life form.

After several minutes the machine turns off signaling that it's ready.

Lola takes a deep breath as she pushes the release button.

The capsule door opens up and Lola gasps as she sees a large frog looking organisms.

Lola examines it's slimy pink skin.
The frog only had one eye and three feet.
It's mouth is stuck together by some sort of mucus.

When the frog doesn't start moving Lola picks it up.

It's sticky.

Lola sighs, it doesn't look natural at all.

She places the organism down on a tray.

She grabs her stethoscope and places it against the belly of the mutant frog.

She squeals as she hears a slow and slightly weak heart beat.

"It's alive! Oh my gosh! It's alive!" Lola exclaims.

She knows that this organism isn't one hundred percent a success.

She knows that the samples still need to grow more that way the organisms aren't made with such deformities.

Lola opens a glass box and sets the frog inside.
She hooks up some tubes to keep it alive.
She hopes that it will stay alive long enough for her to study it and possibly help it grow into a more natural looking frog.

Lola adds more regeneration liquid to the other samples.

Lola smiles as she looks around at her lab.

"And all I needed to sacrifice was a little bit of sleep and skin," Lola chuckles to herself as she examines her deformed frog.

The frog is very ugly but to Lola it's the most fascinating thing she has ever seen.

Lola hooks the tubes up to a nutrition machine that way the frog will get some sort of nutrients to help keep it alive.

Lola takes some notes and pictures of her creation.

She sets her notebook in the drawer with her other ones and she locks the drawer.

"Good night little thing," Lola smiles as she takes one last look at her creation.

She cleans up her mess and then throws her gloves away in the trash.

She steps into the sanitation room and allows it to cleanse her.

She walks out of the lab and throws her lab coat into the sanitation bin.

She walks down the steps with a smile on her face.

She can't believe a dream provided her with the answers she needed.

She can't wait to see what else she can create with her new found knowledge.

And who knows, maybe she will learn how to create a human being.

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