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It was Thursday. She hadn't texted Jordan since Tuesday and she was kind of surprised he hadn't asked her how dinner with her parents went. She didn't have much to tell him anyway. She and Zoe had listed off all the positive things about working in Boston for the summer and touring with Jordan. Her parents didn't say no, they didn't try to talk her out of it, but they also didn't say go for it. They weren't convinced one way or another. Molly's dad was pretty open, even though he pretended to be overprotective. When it came down to it, he completely trusted Molly's judgment. He'd said it wasn't her he questioned, it was Jordan. He was older than her and had been all over the world. Molly was still pretty naïve. She was a great judge of character, but no matter what she said she couldn't get them to be feel good about it. Her father had been quiet most of the time. Molly had left their house questioning her own points. Maybe this was a bad idea. 

Zoe had tried with all her might to be supportive when they came back to the dorms, but even she was disappointed that she hadn't been able to get an agreement out of Molly's father. What was she going to do? Maybe it was too late anyway. Jordan had probably realized by now that it didn't go well. He'd probably assumed from her silence that her answer was no. He'd probably already started looking for someone else. 

Molly pouted the rest of the day. In her abnormal psych class, she attributed sociopathic tendencies to herself. She started to consider the idea that she might have a depressive side to her personality. After class, she and Zoe walked to the grill in silence, both obviously wondering what to do. Molly decided at the last minute that she wasn't hungry. Against Zoe's better judgment, she went back to her room without eating. She opened her book and started making notes for her final next Friday and actually started one of her papers. 


She woke up to a buzzing noise. She had fallen asleep on her notes and the page was wet from her drool. Nice, she thought. The buzzing stopped, and then started again. She realized it was her phone. She was on duty tonight. She quickly said hello. She said hello two more times before she woke up enough to realized she was getting texts instead of phone calls. She stared at her phone. There were three texts from Jordan. Her eyes popped open and she blinked to try to focus. 

Jordan: Are you avoiding me?

Jordan: What's the word?

Jordan: What did your parents say?

Holy crap! He had written her three times in the last fifteen minutes. She tried to think of what to say. 

Molly: Hi, sorry. I just woke up. 

He wrote back immediately. 

Jordan: It's only 6:30 there. Rough day?

She tried to think of something witty to say but she was too tired to be funny. She went with the truth. 

Molly: Long, boring day. I'm actually working tonight so I'm glad you woke me up.

Jordan: Working? At the pharmacy?

Molly: No, I don't work at Titans until Saturday. I'm on duty tonight. Not a big deal. I just need to be conscious if someone comes to my door.

Jordan: So wait, people just show up at your door and you let them in, no questions asked?

Molly: Well, I usually ask them what's wrong.

Jordan: Molly! That's not safe! What if some crazy guy comes to your door with fake tears saying he just needs a friend and then proceeds to hurt you? I don't like this at all. What dumb ass came up with this brilliant idea?

Fighting Gravity / A Jordan Knight FanFic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now