Chapter 3

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Jinxx POV
While Emerson held onto me after he re stitched my torn hip I start feeling dizzy again,it always happens since I've cut down on eating . I get up and run to the bathroom with the overwhelming urge to puke.

Emerson's POV
Jinxx runs to the bathroom looking pale again,before I could make it half way to the bathroom I hear jinxx violently throwing up. I rush to the bathroom and see jinxx still throwing up. But nothing other than stomach acid leaves his small body. When he's done he collapses onto the ground and his eyes close as he passes out,I yell for Remington as Sebastian left ten minutes ago and he comes racing to the bathroom he drops to his knees by jinxx's side and tries to get him to wake up but it doesn't work. As I predicted when he came to he immediately searched for me,I embrace him in a hug and he hugs back. Remingtons phone starts yelling the cooking with Sebastian theme song so he answers his phone. I help jinxx up and he dizzily holds onto my arm as I help him walk to my bedroom, picking him up when we get to the stairs,he carefully wraps his arms around my neck as I carry  him into my bedroom and sit him down on my I try to leave I fell a soft grasp on my arm, I turn around to see jinxx holding my arm and asks softly for me to stay with him so I sit down on my bed with jinxx in my lap cuddled up to me, remington came over with an uncomfortable expression painted on his face.

" jinxx your band is doing a four day gig after this weekend." Remington says scared

"W-why?" Jinxx says starting to get nervous

"They said it's because you don't do enough stuff in the band and that there's also four meet and greets a day." Remington states

Jinxx's hands start shaking and his breathing quickens, I try to calm him down but he goes into a full blown panic attack.
He sobs into my chest while shaking violently while he tries to calm down.

"Why does it always have to be my fault?" Jinxx says while sobbing

"It's not your fault love they just want to make you sad so they can feel better about themselves." 

"How are you not sick of me yet?" Jinxx asks scared

" I could never get sick of you kitten,you mean the world to me." I say lovingly

"Everyone else is sick of me." Jinxx says crying

"That's not true darling,Remington and Sebastian like you a lot and so does your fan base,there's just a few people who don't like you because someone might be upsetting them and they want to hurt you to prove something."

" I don't wanna leave without you." Jinxx says a bit calmer but still crying

"I'm not going anywhere my sweetness."

Jinxx POV
All I can see now is what Ashley and Jake did to me last year, the punching,yelling,kicking, cracking my ribs and banging my head into things. I clearly remember when Ashley picked me up and threw me across a room,my head hitting a glass window which shattered it,cutting my head in the process. Ashley also
broke more ribs. by the time they were done with me I was a bloody passed out mess on the ground.

But now they can't hurt me at least not now, this tour thing they sprung up on me is going to kill me.

Emerson POV
As jinxx sits crying... well more sobbing into my chest during his panic attack,getting more frightened every second. I rock him in my arms in an attempt to calm him down but it fails and he gets more worked up. Eventually he slowly but surely started to calm down and once he fully settled down he sat with his head on my shoulder hugging me tightly while we lay down on my bed as he started explaining everything to me.The way Ashley and Jake attack him and how and would always whisper mean things in his ear while doing live show's or interviews but they already got a formal warning from the police and now they still are mean to him  and make his life living hell. It pained me to hear him tell me everything they did to him. Then I feel the urge to try something he lay looking up at me so when he stops talking I place a gentle kiss on his soft lips and he kisses back. It wasn't a rough kiss, it was a long sweet kiss filled with love. Fire works explode inside of me.When we part lips I ask him a question.
"Will you jinxx, be my boyfriend?" I asked quietly
" I'd be honoured." He replies in his sweet voice

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